With Doctor Who fans, you’re sort of damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t. You change how you do something and you get as much backlash as you did people clamoring for the change in the first place, and the same if you then go back.
That’s the most shocking/ controversial opinion I’ve seen on this thread for months!
Judging by a few comments on my videos recently, not thinking that the Tom/Hinchcliffe/Holmes era is solid gold start to finish perfect seems to be a controversial opinion.
My favourite (on a video where I give Pyramids of Mars 4/5 and say I can never really consider it the full 5) was, “This is getting out of hand now.”
4/5 and still not good enough!
I do like that run, I think it’s strong and it has some absolutely belters in it. It has a very shaky start though, which I find fascinating considering the legacy that triumvirate have. But I guess any attempt at nuanced discussion about something people have spent 50 years not seeing any flaws in will, on some level at least, be considered “controversial”.
Oh yeah, S12 is by far the weakest Hinchcliffe era season. Ark and Genesis are the only truly great stories of that season. Robot was still Letts, but Sontaran Experiment is middling, and Revenge of the Cybermen is dull as hell. S13 and 14 I think are pretty all around solid, but even then there’s still Planet of Evil and Android Invasion. So I do think Hinchcliffe is the best era of classic Who, but it isn’t perfect, nothing is.