What is your most controversial opinion?

Allow me to join you in this controversy :slightly_smiling_face:
Love the Chibnall era!

Also it had the best ā€œDoctor revealā€ of all time :grin:


Iā€™m definitely more middling on the era (donā€™t think itā€™s bad or good, just generally mediocre personally) but god I LOVE this reveal so much


People definitely unfairly over hate it. Its highs and lows are just as high and low as any era before it


The Chibnall era was also just so gorgeous to look at right from the start, I donā€™t feel like the current production is as visually exciting as the Chibnall years.
And the music! I loved that they switched it up after 10 seasons with the same composer (I wasnā€™t thrilled when Murray Gold came back honestly), and Segun Akinola didnā€™t try to emulate what had come before but just made the soundtrack his own.

And the stories have a fantastic hit rate for me, there are very few that didnā€™t hit the mark for me.

And Jodie! So, so good at the role, she had me from when she scrunched up her face and went ā€œTim Shaw?ā€, and that jump from one crane to the other - I just found myself holding my breath in the best way possible :grin:
I need to speed up this 2005 Who rewatch, I want to get to series 11 :wink:


Iā€™m also a bit mixed on the era. The highs are great and the lows are bad. Iā€™m also one of those who really donā€™t have a problem with the Timeless Child plot, because I find it fascinating and I believe it adds more mystery to the Doctorā€™s character and past.


I love the thirteenth doctor, sheā€™s my absolute favourite! And sheā€™s got some amazing episodes too!
I think the timeless child arc is a really cool, innovative story, and while I get people disliking it, and thatā€™s obviously perfectly fine, I feel like she gets a disproportionate amount of hate.

Honestly, i also think that judging current, relatively new stories can be hard and they get judged harder because they are seen as the thing instead of as just one chapter in a long story.


You donā€™t want to get me started on how hyperbolic and unfair the criticisms of Chibnall and Whitaker were. The vicious desire to create a divide in fandom over the era was a lot of what drove me away from other forums and stopped me from engaging at all on platforms like X.

If you didnā€™t wholeheartedly hate the era or declare it as not proper Doctor Who, you were a Chibnall-lover with no critical faculties. The entire history of the show was destroyed by the Timeless Child revelation, allegedly, and 13 wasnā€™t even properly the Doctor whether for reasons of gender or apparent lack of ā€˜gravitasā€™.

The entire debacle was, frankly, disgusting on many, many levels and prevented what was good about the era to shine through. Is it perfect? Of course not but there isnā€™t a single era that is. Does Chibnall have faults as a writer - absolutely. Do they stop the show from being enjoyable during this time? No.

Too many fans are still caught up on stories like Kerblam or Orphan 55 or The Timeless Children and miss the gems like Demons of the Punjab, The Witchfinders, The Haunting of Villa Diodati or Village of the Angels. It would be like declaring the entire Hinchcliffe era as a dud just because The Android Invasion exists.

Some fans seemed to get a perverse thrill (and a few still do it seems) from crapping all over the show at that time and the sooner they found something else to be nasty about the better.

There is brilliant writing in that era, brilliant acting, thrilling adventure and a huge amount of fun. I still canā€™t work out why some fans canā€™t (or donā€™t want to) see it.

(Donā€™t get me started he said,ā€¦proceeds to rantā€¦)


Well you know thatā€™s something you and I share!


I agree. I donā€™t see a big jump in quality with the visuals in the current era. The Chibnall era looked gorgeous, a real step up from the previous eras (not that they were particularly bad but you could see the jump in production values partly due to the music for me as well, gave a real distinct vibe to 13s era.)


One of my favourite eras of all of Who, Classic or Nu.


What did The Android Invasion ever do to you?? :smiling_face_with_tear:

But yes, I could not agree more with what everyone is saying here. Unfortunately, I was one of those people for whom the Chibnall era didnā€™t quite work for me, and I pretty much these days forget the Timeless Child stuff because itā€™s not relevant to my own personal canon, but there is a lot to love about Thirteen and her era, and it makes me sad that there are many, many, cruel naysayers out there who think that just because thereā€™s one era that didnā€™t work for them, that the whole show must be ruined forever.

We saw the same thing when Moffat took over too - remember how nasty everyone was back in 2010 about Amy?! Unfortunately, I think people just became more virulent as social media went on, so by the time the Chibnall era began, the toxicity was well established and given a place to grow like a fungus.

So yeah, there are bits of Chibnall era that donā€™t do it for me and itā€™s never going to be my favourite, but there are bits of it that I do adore, and the music is one of those. I did also really enjoy s11 - theye were clearly trying to do something different, and I enjoy that


I just never understood the condescending comments about Chibnall and Whittaker.

Series 11 is nothing but good stories for me. I was a bit disappointed with The Battle of Long Name I Canā€™t Remember, but I think that was because I was expecting a big finale, on rewatches I find it quite enjoyable.
Kerblem! just had a messy ending, but was also really good, and while Arachnids in the UK was a bit of a mess, I just loved the acting in it - Chris Noth was great :slightly_smiling_face:

And the 13th Doctor and Graham are just fantastically well written, Yaz also had a well written personality - sadly Mandip Gill just doesnā€™t really work for me. Ryan could just as well have been a cardboard cutout they were carrying around the whole time though :wink:

I think I will always have the Steven Moffat years closer to my heart, but by WOTANā€™s sparkplugs do I love the Chibnall years :blush:


My stance exactly!


I think this is a controversial take: I donā€™t like the backstory for the Master in the ā€˜Masterā€™ audio drama.
Itā€™s been a few years since I listened to it and my memory is a bit vague so Iā€™m wary to go into all the details in-case Iā€™m misremembering something, but I basically did not like anything about the backstory presented in it.


Whittakerā€™s run honest to goodness reminds me of both Davidson and the TV movie.

Neat-o ideas sullied by an underdeveloped Doctor, a crowded TARDIS, and production nightmares. Whittaker reminds me of what I wanted from the 11th Doctor, and I think I actually wouldā€™ve liked her as the 11th Doctor, but coming off the back of Capaldi, it feels a bit like a regression.

Her series areā€¦ Fine? Their worst crime is being boring. My most contreversial opinion regarding Chibs is that if Whittaker had been the 11th Doctor, those would be some of the most hated seasons of the show.

Iā€™m very excited to hear her on Big Finish.


as someone who detested series 11 when it aired i honestly agree with you for the most part. arachnids was a fun romp, ranskoor av kolos was a dull if serviceable finale with some good character moments in there and kerblam is an episode :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i think as time goes on people will start having another look at it and reevaluating this era, like i have.


Really good to read all the Chibnall positivity. Somehow, viewed in retrospect, it seems even better than it did at the time. Iā€™ve just seen Ascension of the Cybermen for the first time since broadcast, and I thought it was absolutely riveting. The Cyber attacks were some of the best Iā€™ve seen. (Did it fall apart the following episode with The Timeless Children? Iā€™ll find out tomorrow!)

I genuinely view Chris Chibnallā€™s three years as my favourite era of post-2005 Who. The TARDIS crew from Series 11 and 12 reminded me of The First Doctorā€™s original gang for some reason. Independent, loyal and very distinct characters.

Also, is it controversial to say that I think Series 22 of the classic show is one of the best ever? Well, I do!


Ok dunno how controversial this opinion is, but I do not like the ending to Journeyā€™s End. Stolen Earth was SUCH an amazing setup, amazing crossover, but the ending was justā€¦ bad in my opinion? I donā€™t like the whole ā€œRose gets to take care of metacrisis Doctor and also heā€™ll fall in love and grow old with herā€ shtick. Feels very fanfic-like (and this is coming from a fanfic reader lmao). Also I just wanted to see more Ianto, Gwen, and Luke. Also also Mickey leaving the universe but not Rose was weird??? Like Mickey chose to stay and that universe and fight, but decided to come back? Idk lol.

Is this a hot take? Who knows lol. I just like Stolen Earth more.


I donā€™t know if it is controversial, but it is right :wink:


I donā€™t think it is that controversial. Usually I see it get criticized, because the characters are just standing around and talking.