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Oxygen is brilliant, Moffat’s anti-capitalism messages give me life (and continues in Boom), but you need to do a proper full Capaldi rewatch to appreciate him!!


I honestly was trying to think who that guy was played by the whole first episode (I knew I knew him from somewhere but just couldn’t think of from where (I’m horrible at recognizing people)) and only then I realized that it was him. It bothers me so much that I didn’t recognize him before that moment.

Rani was definitely great.


I finished a couple more of Sarah Jane Adventures episodes today.

  • Secrets of the Stars: I enjoyed it, this one was a lot of fun.
  • Mark of the Berserker: It was a solid and fun story.
  • The Temptation of Sarah Jane Smith: Generally a good episode, but just not for me.

I would tell you what story I am watching at the time, but I can’t pay the associated taxes.

“The Company be praised”


“Compassion is a noble thing, Citizen. Also costly. A hundred and seventeen talmars.”



I’ve watched another bunch of Sarah Jane Adventures episodes.

  • The Enemy of the Bane: Was a lot of fun.
  • Prisoner of the Judoon: I didn’t like this one as much but was fun nonetheless
  • The Mad Woman in the Attic: This one was a fun idea and I enjoyed it a lot.
  • The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith: I enjoyed this one a lot.
  • The Eternity Trap: Interesting concept, and good episode
  • Mona Lisa’s Revenge: My favorite story of this bunch.
  • The Gift: Was fun, but at times a bit boring.

Didn’t feel like Torchwood or any Classic Who for Lunch, so I watched my ultimate confort piece, my first ever episode: The Eleventh Hour. It is just so much fun, “I Am The Doctor” gets the adrenaline pumping every time. This is the Doctor I fell in love with, oh and Rory is a delight in this too.


I watched another bunch of Sarah Jane Adventures episodes:

  • The Nightmare Man: I enjoyed this one a lot.
  • The Vault of Secrets: I had a lot of fun with this one.
  • Death of the Doctor: This one was great. I had a lot of fun watching it.
  • The Empty Planet: Interesting concept, and a fun episode in general.
  • Lost in Time: This one was so much fun, I loved it a lot.
  • Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith: This one was okay, I liked it but it wasn’t really for me
  • Sky: This one however was a lot of fun again and I liked it a lot.

Watched The Devil’s Chord with my mum. I liked it less on a second viewing, likely a combination of not coming immediately after Space Babies (which I really didn’t like) and all the problems I ignored on first viewing becoming a lot more glaring when I already knew what to expect. I didn’t notice just how weird the pacing is before.

My mum liked it a little better than Space Babies, but she said it was “a little too Disney” for her tastes. She’s not enjoying the specials/s1/14 so far. I think she’ll probably enjoy Boom a little more as it’s more in keeping with the rest of Who, but it’ll be at least a month if not more until we’ll get around to that.


Just watched Part 3 of The Sun Makers.

You can read my thoughts behind the blurred spoiler screen, it will only cost you a mere 3 Talmars! Praise be to the Company :sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face::sun_with_face:

This is an amazing story. The only real complaint I have of it is that it is too rushed, I think it could benefit a lot by being a six-parter. There is such interesting world-building but the plot of the story ends up being really rushed. Gatherer Hade and the Collector are written and played really great for this satire by a man who didn’t like paying his taxes :wink:


Finally got around to writing my review of the stunning Demons of the Punjab


The Sun Makers is great!

One bit I always like is how Leela asks K9 why she is feeling frightened, and then, on being told it’s from a chemical in the air, proceeds to completely disregard it…


Yeah a really unlikeable Doctor. Even more unlikeable than 12!


Tonight, I’m settling down to immerse myself in the epic Dalek shenanigans of Series 4: The Stolen Earth. I’ve always really enjoyed this one in the past. It’s been a couple of years since I last saw it and I am definitely ready to rewatch.

“My vision is NOT impaired!” :rofl:


Well, her ancestors were from this planet we call Earth - so that’s about the most realistic thing in that story. That’s definitely human behaviour in a nutshell :wink:


I watched the five doctors today. It was good, I enjoyed it, but I had hoped for something even better if I’m honest, I think it relied a bit too much on nostalgia and the recast first doctor took me out of it a bit.
The last few weeks I’ve also watched a lot of classic who and there are so many wonderful companions(I’m currently in love with Tegan and Nyssa) and stories and I’m a bit worried I’m going through it all too fast to properly appreciate it but I also lack the patience to wait. Ah well I can always rewatch them later


The Stolen Earth: Is the the most RTD of all RTD finales? The opening episode was a blast, as I fully expected. Never get bored with (or of) this one. I like the parallels with the beginning of “Survival” in the quiet suburban street. Just LOVE the ramping tension of the Daleks. It’s actually masterfully done, really allowing the tension to build long before we see a Dalek on the ground. Our returning regulars do a great job of expressing their fear of the Daleks (particularly Sarah Jane). Then, of course, we get the Supreme Dalek. I always enjoy Dalek variants and, boy, does this Supreme radiate supremacy!

Something else that impresses me is the sheer energy of the whole thing. It positively zings and fizzes along. Murray Gold’s music is bold and bombastic where it needs to be, but also discordant and jarring when Davros is introduced. Oh, and the doom laden soaring choral theme for the Daleks has never been better. As for that energy, the whole subwave sequence (especially where the signal is boosted) is frenetic and full of excitement. Gwen is full of vigour and pluck throughout. Ianto is wonderful.

I’m less sold on Rose’s jealousy and dismissal of Martha (“I was here first!” really brings out the worst side of her) but have to admit, the joy on the Doctor’s face on seeing her again is, well, it’s joyous. Indeed, the sequence where he runs to her only to be shot by the Dalek is pretty extraordinary. This, of course, leads to one of the great cliffhanger endings.

Yes, this episode is just fantastic stuff. Always a great ride!


Finally back to watching DW after over a month hiatus. Finishing off The Enemy of the World.


“Enemy of the World” is such a breath of fresh air in the midst of the fun but otherwise uniform storytelling of the much vaunted “Monster” season. “Enemy” goes to very different narrative places and has some surprisingly dark moments. I love this one! :heart_eyes:


It’s a good serial. The rest of the season is so uneven.