TV Club: The Gunfighters

@deltaandthebannermen “forgot” the TV Club today but if he won’t do it, I will! Lets enjoy the best in universe song of the Whoniverse together :partying_face:

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The Gunfighters to me is just a silly fun episode with a very interesting soundtrack to say the least
Steven and Dodo actually work well together in this story which is a nice change from the previous story. (The Celestial Toymaker)
William Hartnell is clearly having lots of fun which is always wonderful to see and along with the supporting cast having fun too its a great dynamic that is formed
The actual story itself isn’t ground breaking but works for what it is id say. My only big problem with this story is that by part 4 I just want that blasted song to stop


I love this one. The story is nothing special. But it is fun in the right way!


8 out of 10. The story is admittedly an apocryphal account of the gunfight at the OK Corral, but I think much like Myth Makers there’s a distinct lack of good documentation as to exactly what happened, which allows Cotton to make a very funny comedy around it. This story is hilarious, one of the last times I think Hartnell was really at the top of his game, along with War Machines, Dodo is actually good in this one, the song popping up functions like a Greek chorus and fits perfectly into the genre they’re parodying. See very little to not like about this one, despite the review in Doctor Who: A Celebration.


It’s not ‘‘good’’ in the sense that it’s not a giant of television or particularly pushing the boat out for what a DW episode can be. But it is FUN and that’s something that very many other episodes forget to be, so yes. Gets a like from me


I really like this one!
The Gunfighters is just SO much fun! It has the best use of Dodo, the funniest Steven story and the Doctor’s shenanigans are just hilarious to no end.
I also really like how Donald Cotton plays with the serial’s historical accuracy, as there are many accounts on how it happened in real life.
The ‘Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon’ is actually not bad, just a little bit overplayed at the end of all things considered.
Anyway, The Gunfighters is one of my favourite pure historicals, love it.



10/10, no notes.


I’m so happy to see so many people here who genuinely find this story good, fun, or enjoyable!

It’s one of my favourites from Hartnell’s era and a fun historical romp in a dark and depressing season. It’s got one of the last strong performances from Hartnell, a cool shootout and a top 3 Doctor Who song (I don’t care what you say, the song is wonderful, fun, and great for the story).

Sure, the accents are silly, and the pacing can sag a little in the middle, and it’s not entirely historically accurate. But it’s loads of fun!

It’s so fun, in fact, that I feel like breaking out into song! I just feel the notes and lyrics flowing out of me…

So by popular demand, from @BillFiler, here’s


Oh, down in the town of old Tombstone,
The TARDIS it landed, the Doc was alone.
A toothache was aching, he sought some relief,
but trouble was waiting, all guns and grief.

Now Holliday’s chair wasn’t painless, no sir,
And Doc wasn’t keen on the drills that occurred.
While Steven and Dodo were dressed for the show,
Their accents betrayed them wherever they’d go.

So gather around in the Last Chance Saloon,
Where gunfighters bicker and sing out of tune.
A parody plays in the Wild West sun,
With shootouts and accents that make people run.

The writing was witty, the humour was grand,
With banter and mishaps all carefully planned.
Mistaken for Holliday, what could go wrong?
The answer? Just listen—the story’s a song!

Now tension was lacking, the danger was light,
Each cliffhanger ending just didn’t feel right.
Like acts of a play, they would fizzle and fade,
More farce than a thriller, more show than a blade.

So gather around in the Last Chance Saloon,
Where history’s bent to a comedy tune.
The Doctor stays wary, but fate draws him in,
To gunfights and outlaws and thick Western din.

Now some folks complain 'bout the way that it’s sung,
A ballad repeated, too oft’ and too long.
But like it or not, it’s what makes it stand tall,
A Western with whimsy, the oddest of all.

But when bullets flew in the final act,
The tone took a turn, and that’s just a fact.
With bodies a-droppin’ and laughter now gone,
The shootout played out as the legend lives on.

So gather around in the Last Chance Saloon,
Where history’s messy, but hearts are in tune.
The Doctor’s in trouble, but somehow he’ll win,
With wit and with luck and a mischievous grin!

Though accents were dodgy and staging was rough,
The charm of this story is more than enough
With Hartnell in form and the comedy tight,
It’s goofy, it’s clumsy, but brings some delight.

So watch with a grin and don’t take it too hard,
It’s not quite a classic, it’s more of a card.
A Western pastiche with a wobbly ride,
But travel with Hartnell, and take it in stride!

So gather around in the Last Chance Saloon,
Where history’s bent to a comedy tune.
It’s silly, it’s clumsy, but give it a glance,
And you just might join in the Doctor’s last dance!

:memo: 7.5/10


What are the other two?


The song was fantastic. I genuinely want you to record it so we can hear it!


Thanks. I’m not much of a singer, and it doesn’t really have a melody, but maybe you’ll get to hear it for Tardis Guide’s 10th anniversary :wink:



Ha that’s amazing :grin::cowboy_hat_face:
And I basically agree with everything you write :+1:

There’s so many good moments in it.

But what had Dodo been smoking in the scene where the gunmen switch in Steven to sing and play instead of her, and she leaves in a huff and is angry at Steven for “making new friends”? :thinking:
Dodo can be a bit odd some times :wink:


Don’t forget about this masterpiece


I don’t join in with the tv club, but wanted to see what people thought of one of my personal favourites that i’m usually alone on. nice to see people enjoying it, some fun facts for you:

  1. I once watched this with someone who counted every time part of the ballad of the last chance saloon was sung, she counted for a grand total of 34 times
  2. David Graham, who plays my favourite character Charlie the Barman, is also the original voice of the daleks (alongside Peter Hawkins), and the scientist in City of Death. He is also the voice of Grandpa Pig.
  3. This one isn’t a fun fact to anyone but me, but the Gunfighters is set on my birthday! I found this out when i looked up the ok corral while watching it for the first time

I don’t why. But this made me happy!


Wow. You’re 143 years old?


And his death scene in Part 3 is hilariously bad. I chuckle every time I see it!

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