TV Club: The Ark

I really enjoy this one.

Interesting story presentation, with essentially 2, 2-parter stories. It gave me The Ark In Space/Revenger of the Cybermen vibes.

Great premise. Great costumes, for the most part. Great acting.



What, so The Massacre then? Not much of her to see in that one!


Right, but it is her entrance, and it’s the last thing I watched with her in it, so I hadn’t seen her join the TARDIS team until then. So I wasn’t sure what the circumstances of her joining were until that point.


Ark was my first introduction to Dodo. First time through the 60s we watched just the existing stories. Wasn’t until much later I watched recons, but I did those in order. I always watch Who in order.


When I originally started watching Doctor Who, it was that I was tuning in to my local PBS station for their sci-fi night every week, which included Doctor Who, so it was whatever episode was being shown that week. Which was largely only 3-7.

When I went back to watch/rewatch all of classic, I started at 1, but quickly ran into the missing episodes, started skipping around, and then just went to Spearhead In Space, and watched everything from there on, deciding I’d go back for the rest. And I gradually did. When filling in the gaps, that definitely wasn’t in order, though.


My story is exactly the same. This was my first exposure to Dodo. I remember thinking that it was weird going from The Time Meddler to The Ark; what happened to Vicki? Because I also initially skipped all the stories with missing episodes. Later on, I watched the partially missing serials, and the last ones I watched were the completely missing ones.


I am the kind of geek who went for strict and rigid chronology.
Started with Rose → Name of the Doctor, slight detour with the TV Movie, and then An Unearthly Child → Survival, missing episodes and all :grin:


There was a bit of an effect for me with 1 + 2 that some of the companions felt a little like the companion of the week because I wasn’t familiar with who they were when watching them.

Now I feel like I know more about them, having watched all their episodes, though.

I probably ought to rewatch some of their episodes now that I have more context. I actually quite liked Zoe’s introduction, for example, but, again, probably one of the last things I watched with her in it.


We were rather limited by what we had back then to be fair.
First time with Doctor Who when I was like 5: Robot-TV Movie
Then the modern series existed and we watched that basically as it came out.
Then I wanted to start again from the beginning when I was ~12, and we had the fully existing stories, some of the early animations, but we didn’t really do much with the recons, though we had the lost in time set. An Unearthly Child-Last of the Time Lords or whatever was out by then.
Then in college introduced a friend to the classic series by doing all the existing or animated, then going back for the recons at the end, because at that point I had burned the recons from LC Dailymotion to DVD.
Wasn’t until later that I did the full run with the missing episodes as recons and animations where available when I was introducing a second friend to the classic series. An Unearthly Child-Resolution (I think it was in 2018 into 19 for this run.)
Then was the review run where I watched an episode a day writing a review each day which took two and a half years An Unearthly Child-Legend of the Sea Devils by the time I was done.
Now on another run with another friend, we did all the missing episodes, we’re up to Colony in Space.


Also, Dodo is given a ‘proper’ debut story in the PDA, Salvation. I’ve not actually read it but I believe it’s supposed to be quite good.


Before starting, I did notice how many episodes this story had, so I was pleasantly surprised that it “ended” within two episodes. But then actually glad that they came back and did more with the story.


I really like this story and always have, it’s an easy watch for me and by that I mean it’s one I’ve often put on in the background while I’m doing something else to passively enjoy it.
Steven is definitely my favourite part of the story as he is for many of the stories he’s in and his little speech when he’s in the cage is magnificent.

STEVEN: That the nature of man, even in this day and age, hasn’t altered at all. You still fear the unknown, like everyone else before you.

Anyway before I ramble forever more about this fun little story I give it a 7/10 because it’s no masterpiece but a very easy watch and a solid story in general


I did a bit of the same. Did Rose to different points a couple of times before going to the classic. I also did see the TV movie and 5 Doctors before going to An Unearthly.


This story has a great concept and I like the way it’s split in the middle, but it just doesn’t really speak to me. The sets look great though


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