The Traitors

Oh yeah I made this playlist last year or the year before, the songs from The Traitors :smile: love it


I did always wonder about the breakfasts. I’ve said before to my husband that surely they can work out who is a faithful by who are the last 2 to come in. Is it really just clever editing?!

Tonight’s episode was soooo good!!


A great episode.

I was watching Lisa & Alex. They do look related. Omg I’ve become a conspiracy theorist :rofl:


Everything about that episode was great -

the death match, the Traitors confronting Fozia to her face, the coffins, Alexander being weird when telling the story of what happened, Anna thinking she’d caught Minah because of a drink - and Joe pointing out it was only a clue if it happened to Alexander and Leon as well, Frankie mistaking VII for VIII (and literally no one finding that suspicious), Leanne getting defensive and Linda’s downfall.

I’d have picked Frankie or Leanne as a recruit but Charlotte isn’t a bad call. She was right not to choose Lisa, though, because I think she would have sacrificed herself.


I’m sure a traitor has come in with the last car before now.

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I’m sure they always do the thing where it says

“Who is left?!”

Then they read out the names (this bit is clearly edited so that’s fine)

But then the last survivors come through the door on their own. And everyone cheers and are shocked etc.

I might be wrong.

I might go back and watch the episodes to check lol

I’m sure Minah has come in with the last group at some point but I might be misremembering.

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Yeah I’m sure there isn’t just a massive clue that they are all missing lol I’m just wondering how I missed it.

Poor Alex!! Joe is often very quick to point the finger at people and it surprises me that this hasn’t made people question why.

The mission this episode was crazy - so many steps. I did enjoy Alexander deciding to go rogue on the last rhyme, Leanne being pissed he was ignoring the group in the castle and then Alexander getting it right. Her face was a picture.

Leanne doesn’t seem the sort of person that gets told they’re wrong very often and when she is told, she 100% gets all defensive (the round table has proved that). She’s never been particularly bothered, I don’t think, when a faithful that’s she’s been gunning for has been banished. She’s possibly my least favourite Traitors contestant across all 3 series. She’s the main reason this series has seemed more bitchy than most. She doesn’t understand why Leon has been distancing himself from her - I bloody well do.

She really needs to be murdered next.


Remember it’s just a game :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I am not going to be able to watch today’s episode until Sunday because we are going away for the weekend!!

I think there’s a real issue with the format of the show that greatly favours the traitors:

  • They can’t get to a situation with only one traitor in case they get banished, then it’s game over
  • So the traitors are basically invincible until the final - just they will keep changing
  • The more you’re sure someone is a faithful, the more likely that when you banish a traitor they are going to recruit them, so you can really trust NO-ONE
  • In the final this time the people aren’t going to say if they were a traitor or not at the end when they are banished, so there is NO information for traitor counting
  • Basically the best way for the faithful to win the game is to correctly guess who the traitors are, deliberately not banish them, survive until the final, then banish them in the last episode
  • But that doesn’t make good tv so it wouldn’t happen

Oh and I was carefully watching breakfast yesterday and again the final 2 to come in were both faithful. I’m sure that 90% of the time that’s true, so it can be used as a huge clue.

I think the show may need a big mix up next year or it will get stale. But I do love it.

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I’m intrigued to see how the celebrity one works (especially if any of the rumoured celebrities are true. There are some pretty A/B-list suggestions rather than a bunch of Z-list wannabees (which seems to be what the US version is made up of - and that’s the main show!).

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Tbh, no interest in a celeb version. But I think the show will continue to shake things up. Although I have only watched S1 & the current season.


Posted without comment…


Oh my word - that was quite the episode!

Watching the downfall of Minah was like watching someone fall off a cliff in slow motion. It was hilarious watching Jake the Traitor Hunter be so unequivocably wrong about there having to be a male traitor. Charlotte is playing a blinder and was easily the worst person Minah could have chosen to join her. Her subtle manipulating of Freddie both before and after the banishment of Minah was brilliant.

Can’t work out what this game-changing twist is that Claudia has promised for tomorrow’s episode.

Who do we think will win now? I think either Charlotte or Jake.

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I was gutted about Minah, really wanted her to go all the way, and the way Charlotte totally backstabbed her was so sad.
But having said that, Charlotte is brilliant at this. Maybe the Welsh accent truly is the most trustworthy :sweat_smile:

I’m pretty sure the special power will be the “Seer”. It’s from games based on Werewolf. 99% sure this is correct so spoilers:

The special power

The winner of the next task will get to ask someone in private if they are a traitor, and that person won’t be able to lie. If e.g. Alexander wins, asks Freddie if he’s a traitor, Freddie has to say yes. Then the others will ask Alexander what he knows, he will say he knows Freddie is a traitor - do the others believe him? Or think Alexander is trying to frame Freddie?

It’s a very clever concept because it makes one person know the truth but makes everyone else suspect two people!

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Blimey! Noooooooooooooooooooooo. I really wanted Minah to win.

But now I hope Charlotte goes all the way.


Do you think the twist could be the power to bring a faithful back from the dead?? That would be the entertaining, to get a powerhouse personality back. Though I suppose that could break the format.

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I think shauny’s suggestion is more likely. I was going to say you’re idea wouldn’t seem fair but when we’ve already had poor old Jack sacrificing himself and never getting to the castle or poor old Keith never getting to do a mission, fairness isn’t really in the Traitor handbook.


If what I said doesn’t happen, I’ll eat my fez :smiley: