This is hardly brainwashing! The movie on new year’s is just seasonal! If anything I ought to watch it on the eve but I like to put it on with my breakfast on the morning of the 1st
Never been big on New Year’s Eve but quite a few years back, my wife and I decided to start doing a New Year’s Day open house where we just invite everyone we know to the house, lay on food and drink and just have a stream of people in and out of the house. The kids are allowed to play video games all day if they want with their friends and we just chat and laugh with ours. Our parents come round too and it’s just a fun busy time.
So New Year’s Eve is often a lot of prep for that, especially for my wife in the kitchen.
Coincidentally, @Goibniu @BillFiler @Tian @MrColdStream @shauny , an item about Dinner for One was on the BBC news website yesterday and I was reading about it:
T-minus less than 2 hours left of 2024 and finishing in the most predictable way possible: watching Doctor Who with my cat
I will be celebrating by watching the TV Movie, as well. If you start it as just the right time, you can count down to the new year with the characters in the film!
Haha! It must have been linked at the bottom of another article I was reading.
And this page DID go up yesterday.
Technically, aren’t we all?
Yes but he’s posting here from 2018.
The Ghost of Christmas Past.
Happy New Year @Daximili - who I think is just getting into 2025 first from our community.
Greetings from the future!
So, tell us @Daximili, how are things looking in the future? Something to look forward to?
Sleep is mostly what im looking forward to at the moment
I’m going to my friends place to celebrate
New Year’s plans fell through as two of the hosting family is sick. So for me it’ll be very low key and I’ll probably go to bed at a normal time.
I’m arriving home!!! The last ten minutes of 30 hours of bunk bed on the train!!!
Here we are, ready for dinner!
O chose the bowtie to match my profile pic. No New Year’s without a bowtie! Bowties are cool!
Our New Year’s Eve will consist of Fondue and watching Dinner for One before we wait for the fireworks.
My wife introduced me to the whole Dinner for One phenomenon some years ago and we now have it on DVD so that keep up the tradition of watching it despite being in the UK.
Also Dinner for One has a small Doctor Who connection. The actress May Warden who is Miss Sophie in Dinner for One played the aged Sara Kingdom in the final episode of The Daleks Masterplan.
2024 is nearly over. It’s been an interesting year, both good and bad. Really like any other year. Next year I hope will be better. I’m looking forward to my “Dinosaur a Day” journey, playing more video games, hopefully reading more, and of course spending time on here discussing Doctor Who. I know this is controversial here, but with the election results, I have a more positive outlook on the future of my country. I know that there are issues on both sides of the political spectrum, but I’m hoping that things will start looking up. Whatever happens though, I trust that God will take care of me as he always has. So, I guess what I’m trying to say is, Happy New Year! Whatever that may entail.
Happy New Year/Eves/Gott nytt år!/Hyvää uutta vuotta!/guten Rutsch/what ever else you may call it to everybody here!!
I hope everybody’s 2025 will be a good one and starts out well!
Love reading all the different things everybody is up to at the Time, whenever this might be! Not sure how I will spend my rest of the Day leading up to the new Year, probably more anticlimactic than most of you, haha! Perhaps I will give it the best Who episode (the TV Movie) another rewatch after @sircarolyn talking about it!
Anyways hoping the best for everybody on here for the new Year!