Okay, so, I’m going to get into this now. Expect it to be kind of long because 1. I had like three lectures on precisely this and will give you a summary of it so I can remember it better and 2. I have Thoughts.
The question boils down to what actually determines identity. Teleportation and the Ship of Theseus are two common thought experiments to look at this. Some possible things that might determine identity: the material of which a body/thing is made of, the pattern in which it is ordered, continuity in spacetime, some sort of soul/intrinsic property(the religious answer), the function/goals or what my professor calls a ‘strong psychic connection’ which is to say having identical wishes, memories, preferences and the like.
The ship of Theseus, to explain the problem, imagined that this ship slowly, bit by bit, gets every piece replaced until it has no original parts left. The original parts however, are saved and put back together in the form of the ship. Now you have two ships. Which, if any, is the ship of Theseus
Personally, I feel like just the material alone is definitely not the answer, if someone just mixed up all the atoms in my body that wouldn’t be me. You can of course see as a necessary condition though (in which case you would cease to exist after teleportation).
The pattern after which a body is made, potentially including even memories and brain patterns, has a much stronger argument in favor. In this case, both ships are Theseus’ and after teleportation you remain yourself. This is perhaps the most scientific question.
Continuity in spacetime is a very interesting one if you regard in Doctor Who, I already changed this one a bit, because I think the assumption that one person cannot be in the same place at the same time just does not hold. Time travel just blows it to pieces. Barring teleportation (and perhaps bigeneration), however, you can draw a continuous line between all the places and times the doctor is if you consider the tardis to be a placetime that borders to everything. I think this one has some merit, but does posit that teleportation (disrupting this line) does not maintain identity.
I won’t get into the soul argument because it is very spiritual but of course a valid explanation for some.
Having a thing’s identity be based on function is basically my answer to the ship of Theseus problem, in my opinion this holds for all inanimate objects. So the ship of Theseus is the one belonging to Theseus. Or if it is just a name, one that is called this way by the majority of people.
Now, a strong psychic connection, meaning having the same memories, preferences, wishes, thought patterns and the like. I feel like this is what a lot of people regard as identity, but I personally have a lot of problems with it. For a start, memories are far from consistent. Not only can you experience amnesia, many physical changes to the brain can drastically change a person and to posit that they are no longer the same person feels demeaning. And even without that, people change! I’m not even the same gender I was five years ago! You can remember things that never happened and forget other stuff totally, you can change the way you think drastically, so I don’t think this argument holds. This, of course is also super interesting in regard to Time Lords and regeneration, because they change drastically. Is the tenth doctor the same as the eleventh? The first the same as the fifteenth?
I honestly have no idea but it’s fun to think about.
Another thing: is identity transitive? Meaning if a is identical to b and b is identical to c, then a is identical to c. This presents some questions in regards to teleportation, since if there are two identical copies to you made, are the now both you? Or is neither? (Since they are identical, it cannot be just one) after a time, they will diffr, so you would be two different people if they are both you. Is that possible?
Personally, I think it might be better to look at identity as a containing relation. So a is identical to b if a contains b (or the other way around). I feel like this makes sense with regards to how people change. I am not the same person I was five years ago for example, but I do contain her, so we share an identity. This way, if two copies are created, they are both the original person but not the same among each other, they only share the same roots in a way.
All right, that’s everything I can think about rn, thanks for reading if you got this far