The Doctor knows that we exist!!!
And that’s a wrap, folks!
My time here at UNIT HQ has come to an end - I am being shuffled out of the doors before I cause another catastrophe by poking around where I’m not supposed to be!
As I leave, I wave goodbye to the UNIT staff - Kate, Shirley, Mel, Donna, Morris, Rose, Christofer, The Vlinx, Ruby is here for some reason… is that Alonso Frame and Tish Jones?
In the background, The Spy Master is sneaking off with a trophy that wasn’t his, and the Meddling Monk is writing on a blackboard a devious scheme to rewrite history so he wins all the awards.
A huge round of applause for all our winners, and, of course, our fabulous audience. Whether you took home a prize or just came along for the fun, remember: everyone’s a hero in their own way!
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find Ace again before she sets off any celebratory explosives, those Nitro 9 Fireworks are a bit too powerful.
Until next year! Allons-y!
I won an award!!!
SLYVESTER!!! I can’t believe it the most manipulative, the spoon player, the legend, the rice pudding, the destroyer of skaro, the terrible at being french, the helicopter hat doctor, the… well you get the gist… that’s just amazing!
Anyway congratulation to everybody who won an Award here! You all deserve them for making this Community what it is
Thank you @shauny for a fun award ceremony!
Six awards! Have I beaten Beyonce?
Maybe, but I’m pretty sure she still sings better
Anyway, thanks for a very fun awards ceremony! That conclusion was perfect
Feeling like Taylor Swift right now, having not won anything, but congrats to everyone else
I think we may have inadvertently discovered the one thing better than Sylvester McCoy.
It’s okay. You’re just working without witness, without reward. When’s the last time the Doctor got a prize?
This and the Ianto video should be added to the site as minisodes!
Coming to theatres near you?
I think we first need an officially licensed work to refer to these in an ambiguous way to canonize them while staying legal to get TARDIS Wiki’s approval… Someone gotta win the next BF Paul Spragg short trip competition with a script that involves the Seventh Doctor mentioning talking to a certain Guide (which he knows Torchwood also contacted) while on a train in France. It’s not outside the realms of possibility!
We have to wait for the
Wholesome. Haven’t started 7’s era yet, but now I want to . I bet his Doctor does no wrong!
Well, that was a very welcome surprise! Thank you, Doctor!
Oh wow thank you! I didn’t expect another Tardie! I want to thank Big Finish for enabling this badge and all of you for being the greatest community ever. And thank you Shauny!!!
Here’s to another year of Tardis Guide
Shauny really was like “And you get an award, he gets an award and she gets an award. Everyone gets an award” the whole time
Well that was a lot of fun! I wasn’t expecting to win anything here so that was a nice surprise.
I think five days must be the record for the longest awards ceremony of all time. Although we’ve yet to have this year’s Oscars so who knows.
Just kidding of course glad for everybody winning and also very nice seeing the Guide being acknowledged by a Torchwood Member and a Doctor