Stuff of Legend: Live or Studio Version?

Having attended the Stuff of Legend Live and also listened to the audio, I found I enjoyed the Live Version better as the actors played up to the audience more: the Master was more arch; the flirtation was more obvious; the jokes and references given more emphasis. But I can see this also being a reason why someone might enjoy the slightly more formal approach to the Studio Version. I’d be interested in your opinions and welcome any comments to provide detail to the voting.

  • I preferred the Live Version for the reason you gave
  • I preferred the Live Version for a different reason
  • I preferred the Studio Version
  • I like them both equally
  • I haven’t experienced both, but think I’d enjoy the Live Version more
  • I haven’t experienced both, but think I’d enjoy the Studio Version more
0 voters

Interesting topic! This is something I’ve been interested in finding out from those of you who’ve attended the live show and listened to the studio version: which one is better? What are the major differences, if any?

I’ve only listened to the studio version and found it perfectly fine but not particularly memorable. I believe that the live version would have improved my experience. From what I’ve heard and read, everybody loved the show itself, even if they didn’t care for the story very much.


I felt the story was a classic romp, chosen to be received well by an audience with the in jokes and inclusion of both the Master and the Daleks. If I hadn’t seen the Live Version first, I think I would have felt the same way as you. Seeing the actors ‘eat it up’ and gaining enjoyment of bouncing off each other and the audience added a lot of pleasure and memorability (is that a word??) to the story.


The live version was so much fun and will be an experience I will always remember, even if the story itself isn’t that amazing at the end of the day.
Gonna listen to the studio version a bit further down in my Eight/Charley listen through, will be a few releases until I get to it.


As others have said, and I said in another thread, the Live experience was incredible, even if the story was a little by-the-numbers, just seeing them on stage performing together was amazing.

I haven’t listened to the studio version yet (although I do own it), so won’t vote until I have. I, too, plan to wait until I finish up the rest of Eight’s stories. I feel like listening to more of his and Charley’s adventures will just make me love it even more.

There’s also the impending (probably months away) release of the live version on CD and download. I’ll probably get that too, as we are all in it :eyes: but again I’m not sure how well it will capture the feeling of being there, seeing them on stage, and just being in a room with 1000 other Big Finish fans, that was incredible and I will always remember it!