Before the Flood
Gail Axe E 4
If you know the reference, its easy. If not…
The answer is here: Sounds alike game - #152 by DontBlink
Congratulations @uss-genderprise on being the first to crack this.
Here's the solution
The character’s name is Orr, the next image is a fan (Orphan).
Then there are two images of British boyband Five from the late 90s/ early 00s (55)
Orphan 55
I’ve never watched Brooklyn 99, but I’ve seen clips. I’m pretty sure the answer is Rosa?
Spot on!
Rosa !!!
I love her!
I find it amazing that Stephanie Beatriz can be so strong in that role whilst also being…
True diversity in her acting (compared with lots of people who either get typecast or can only do one role).
Word Choice is slightly off but you got it!!
Dale Kin Vase Iron Off Earth
DaleK inVaseIron Off Earth
Thanks @JayPea!