The art is pretty cute!
Not sure how well it fits the story, but still, that middle right panel especially is great
The art is pretty cute!
Not sure how well it fits the story, but still, that middle right panel especially is great
I love this series. The only issue where the art just doesn’t work is #8. It just doesn’t work for me.
I was expecting Paul to be Delgado in his rubber mask disguise, and when it turned out it wasn’t… Come on! That should absolutely have been Bill Filer!
I did miss Miss Josephine Grant though I’d have swapped her in for Sarah any day of the week
I agree with most of the little reviews you made of the individual chapters here. There’s a proper story behind all the fan-wankyness throughout - all of which really delighted me
I really didn’t see the reveal coming that it was Adam working with the Master. And Adam does make some good points when justifying his crusade for revenge on the Doctor. This comic series has actually made me like Adam more… though that may pass again with time
Loved how Frobisher saves the day (and that I didn’t have to listen to his horrendous accent
The highlight for me was definitely the Third Doctor chapter, it’s really got that Third Doctor Era feel that is my Doctor Who sweet spot
Just stuff like this little frame:
The world is at stake but the Doctor’s priority is to save his friend.
Not “The Brigadier”, not “Lethbridge-Stewart”, his friend.
Recently finished this Series here are some of my Thoughts on it:
Unnatural Selection: As a big first Doctor Fan, I had high hopes, and I wasn’t disappointed by it. It’s a lovely Story with the Return of the best Doctor Who Character ever, which is Animus!! Seeing the Zarbis here is lovely, and our Tardis Crew have their regular Chemistry from the televised show. The Art is inconsistent, but still nice, overall a solid way to start the Series!
Bazaar Adventures: Probably my favorite Story out of the Series, really, it’s just good fun! We get the best 60s Tardis Team having a low stakes Adventures filled with some lovely reference all around. I think they somehow nailed 2 here, while of course it’s not as close as Throughton on TV of course, but damn for a Print Media they did very well.
With the Tide: It’s okay. Is it lovely to see two icons together with Sarah Jane and Liz? Yes. Does it have some really cool Drawings in there? Yeah, but somehow I feel very underwhelmed by this one. Not bad just kinda meh really.
A Rare Gem: Well, this one was kinda just whatever? Really there isn’t much besides seeing Leela be the best, eh. Kinda surprised how underwhelming this Story is, after all, the fourth Doctor’s Era is massive. This is just a kinda Standard Story really, which isn’t bad but disappointing. Well the Cover is cool at least.
In Their Nature: Is the first solid one after the last two leaving me underwhelmed really. Seeing Five and the S19 Crew with the Sontarans is really fun! And really enjoy how we expand on the Sontarans. A very solid fun Story with an ending that teases much more directly what is to come. Also, I think they nailed Davisons Doctor Voice here I must say! Also, the Art is pretty cute, as somebody already pointed out.
Facades: HOLY ■■■■, IT’S FROBISHER!!! 10/10!! Jokes aside, seeing the Team of Six and Peri again is so lovely! I really enjoy the concept present here. Really like that ending. A fun one, I enjoyed it! Solid stuff!
Cat and Mouse: Can I just say that I really love that Title? But yeah this Story fits well with Seven’s Era in similar (but not as good) vain as Ghost Light. The Vibes and atmosphere thanks to the Drawing is just nice. Ace in a period-accurate clothes is always a blast. And seeing them interact with Ainleys Master is nice, since he only appeared once in the televised Run, so nice Reunion!
The Body Polictic: Hmm. I am not sure about it on Hand, cool of them to include Grace again, on the other this one kinda feels aimless. I feel like this isn’t too sure how it should characterize 8 and kinda is very inconsistent with it. Let’s see what else… ehh not much else, I like some Story beats, but it’s kinda just unremarkable really.
Mystery Date: It’s okay. It’s mainly set up and mainly to explain why Adam returns and why he is doing all this. That’s it really. The Art is rather nice to look at, but there isn’t much to add beyond this. Feels more like Set-Up than a Story on its own. Having Adam be the Big Bad is kinda silly but ehh it works somehow.
Quiet on Set: Not very much a strong Opinion on it, it’s just kinda there. Sweet or Nice Moment here and there. Having the Quarks return is just an odd Choice, but you know what? GIVE ME ALL THE TENTH DOCTOR VS QUARKS IN THE WORLD. (As Number 1# Quark Supporter, I think they are rather drawn nicely here so it’s approved ). Overall it’s just kinda there and that’s it.
The Choice: I am glad we get the kidnapping out of the Way to have some Progress before the big Finale. I rather like this one, probably the best out of the revived Doctor Issues. I do really like the Confrontation with Adam, 11 and the Master. It has some really nice moments in here, solid Stuff!
Endgame: (Funfact I read the EDA Endgame less than Day before I read this Issue, lol)
Okay what can I say this is basically the biggest of the Series for better and for worse. As a Fan it’s a joy to see all the Doctors, all the Companions, Past Villains and so on return. It makes Sense for Adam to turn back on his/the Master Plan. I am not too sold on the finale Moment, but I think it does achieve what it tries to do. That being a fun Celebration of most of Who.
Overall a fun Series but far from perfect in my Eyes, the Quality stays mostly consistent with the worst being just “meh” or underwhelming, while the best are really solid and are close to being great. A fun read!