Given the amazing job he did with “The Giggle” I’d also suggest James Goss could work wonders with either of those two!
Goss penning Heaven Sent would absolutely get me reading my first Target Novel
Probably “Demons of the Punjab” by its original writer Vinay Patel! It’s probably one of the best episodes in 13th Doctor’s run and just a great story about family and generational trauma. I would choose “It takes you away” if @bridgetgaming didn’t do this before me)
I haven’t seen anybody mention Silence in the Library yet
That could be incredible in target format.
Especially if Moffat writes it. His Day of the Doctor was amazing.
Agreed, but also one of those rare opportunities to delve into the psyche of a Dalek. Knowing Moffat, he’d enjoy that challenge. Moreover, not just ANY Dalek, but insane Daleks.
That is a book I want to… (scratch that) … I have to read!
This is a correct fact!
Ohh lovely Topic. I think it would be nice if we expand the Range with more Stories of the revived Shows, I think some I would choose the following:
The God Complex (I just think it would be a great read!)
The Time of the Doctor (I think there could be a lot to add and fleshing out woudl certainly help this Story)
Dark Water/Death in Heaven (I don’t know it would be fun!)
World Enough in Time/Doctor Falls (I adore this Story so please more!)
Demons on the Punjab (I already really like the TV Story so it would be cool to see how a Target Novel of it would be. Really liked the Witchfinders one and thought the Kerblam Novel was much better than the TV Episode).
Legend of the Sea Devils (this one mainly because it could use a second Chance).
No Idea if those should be done by the original Writers, but I’d like to see Moffat do a few, his Day of the doctor is excellent!
Torchwood novelisations?
I could see a Cyberwoman or End of Days novelisation being really good!
Do you hear this @uss-genderprise? It’s your time to shine!!
Considering I’ve done a Cyberwoman rewrite at least twice, I’d be happy to take this on!