How are decisions made on TARDIS Guide?

Happy to clear this up :smile:

Yes definitely, there are a couple of threads about this, it’s pretty much the next feature on my list to add, straight after I finish the “year in review” and improved stats (which I promised to add next).

Actually the moderators don’t really get any more say in anything. They get a few more votes in the Roadmap but that’s not really much.

The moderators are mostly involved in decisions about this forum.

It’s actually the Patrons who I involve the most - you can’t see this but when I work on a new feature I post it to them first in their secret forum category, and I share screenshots and things first and ask them questions about it, then I recently have been giving them access to a test version of the website and let them play with it and suggest changes until we think it’s ready, then it goes live for everyone else.

This is a perk that the Patrons get because they are contributing financially to help keep the site running.

I understand that not everyone can afford to pay (even though it’s as cheap as I can make it), and so I also listen to feedback and comments from everyone, they just get priority because without them, the site wouldn’t be able to be as fully featured!

Whilst yes I have the ultimate power, it’s a little unfair to call it this when I:

  • Have a team of staff who help make decisions about the forum and day-to-day running
  • Involve the whole community in making decisions about the site (not just here, but on the Discord and by email I get suggestions daily)
  • Give the Patrons access to the site as I build it and take their feedback
  • Have a team of Spreadsheet editors who are giving me stories to add to the site (most of which I’ve never even heard of!)

It’s a team effort. But yes, as the person responsible for building the entire thing, I do get final say :smile: not ready to turn it into Wikipedia…

A good friend of mine and ex-colleague who I worked with on website design for 11 years was commissioned (I paid him) to design the new site. We made decisions together but again I shared these first with the Patrons and asked for feedback, then shared with everyone before launch.

There are other people helping me too because I am not a graphic designer! @uss-genderprise has been commissioned to create some badge images, the main image of Ncuti on the homepage and on socials.

@YoungCodger very kindly took it upon himself to send me images for all the Sets. His dedication has been amazing, I get sent new images every week and it is almost completely finished now! Recently I felt bad and I told him to please send me an invoice for his work, which he did but it was very reasonable.

I’m always keen to hire members of this lovely community to help. I don’t have infinite funds though so I appreciate volunteers where possible!

TARDIS Guide is nowhere near as big as Wikipedia! If it gets that big then sure I’ll open it up more!

Not at all! I enjoy all feedback and requests. I’m doing the best I can :smile:

That’s right, with the designer (he’s lurking here because he likes to see feedback) it’s just a business collaboration because he’s not actually a huge Doctor Who fan so he’s not participating in the discussions but he’s a very good designer! So it’s not a hobby for him, it was a job.

It’s definitely a hobby for me though.

This started as just a curiousity on my laptop a few years ago during COVID, I started watching Classic Who and I had a bunch of Big Finish and some books and I was keeping track of what I’d done on a spreadsheet and thought “hang on, I can build websites, I’ll make a website to log this”.

I honestly never thought it would get this big, we have over 2000 members now.

I’m already seriously thinking about succession plans for when I die :joy: it’s mad.

Enjoy the site!!