Heyo! Quick intro post

Hey, name’s Werebnnuy. I started Doctor Who just about a month ago with the Third Doctor and Im now almost finished with his run. I got into Doctor Who from a friend who was obsessed with it, and I have to say that Im pretty obsessed with it now too. I have a penchant for ridiculousness which shows in a lot of my other favorite media, I like House M.D., JoJos Bizarre Adventure, Ace Attorney, Hitman, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and quite a bit more that would be too long to list here. All in all, Im glad to be here, and Im very excited to continue watching Doctor Who as time goes on.


Great to have you here. The third Doctor is an interesting choice to start with. Why did you start with him? (he is great but I have not heard of anyone who started with him)


Welcome to the site and forums! Hope you have a great time!

I see this recommended quite often for two reasons: it’s the beginning of the colour era, so easier for some to watch, and the Third Doctor stories are also generally a bit more fast-paced than the 60s ones.


I have seen that too but to be honest I don’t think that I have seen anyone that has started watching after 2005 that has started with Classic Who. But it’s great to see different people finding different ways of starting this great show!


My personal reason for starting with Three is due to all the missing episodes of the First and Second, I do plan on watching the episodes I can after finishing the Third Doctor though. I’m especially excited for the Second Doctor.


Glad to have you here!

Btw am I the only one seeing your post like this? :point_down: It’s hard to read…


The full text:

Hey, name’s Werebnnuy. I started Doctor Who just about a month ago with the Third Doctor and I’m now almost finished with his run. I got into Doctor Who from a friend who was obsessed with it, and I have to say that I’m pretty obsessed with it now too. I have a penchant for ridiculousness which shows in a lot of my other favorite media, I like House M.D., JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Ace Attorney, Hitman, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and quite a bit more that would be too long to list here. All in all, I’m glad to be here, and I’m very excited to continue watching Doctor Who as time goes on.


Great! He’s one of my favourites and such a fun Doctor!


Sorry! Might’ve done this wrong. Not entirely sure yet but hopefully I can figure this all out eventually.


Ah I think you insert the paragraph in a code block. Edit the ```s out then it would look normal text


I love the second doctor. Patric Troughton is one of the greatest actors to have played the Doctor. Maybe even the greatest. It is a shame that so many episodes are missing; every scene he is in gets better with his acting.


Okay, let’s not get too excited now :wink:


Fixed, I think. Thanks for the help!


We’re a lovely bunch here, always happy to help :slight_smile:


So true. I have to jump between tv episodes, recons, Target novels and animations :melting_face:

Second Doctor fan when talking about their favourite episode:

(Yes, we Chinese fans call telesnap recons PPT because it’s… accurate. So sad)


To be honest I don’t think that we have had a better actor that has played the Doctor. Maybe Peter Capaldi.

The Highlander is no ones favorite episode :joy:


Objectively not true!



What an intriguing introduction! We tend to attract people who are, for lack of a better phrase, more established Whovians so it is exciting to meet someone who is just starting out watching. Try not to get too overwhelmed with all of the different permutations of Doctor Who out there, and just enjoy what you want to enjoy. Also, I think the serial format of Classic Doctor Who is a fun format, and I like the flexibility and suspense in storytelling it offers. Do you like to watch your serials straight through (all the episodes back to back) or do you like to watch episodes over a few days?

I’m curious as to what your future Doctor Who plans are. Are you planning on continuing into the 70s with Fourth Doctor Tom Baker (I hope so, he’s unbelievably cool)? Giving Revival (2005) or Contemporary Who a try?

Jon Pertwee’s incarnation is pretty cool, if perhaps a bit different from other incarnations. His struggle with exile and relationship with UNIT makes for a story arc that I find enjoyable. The Brigadier and Delgado as the Master are definite highlights of the era.
I don’t know how much you know about regeneration, but it can be difficult to have the Doctor change. Keeping a flexible attitude about what Doctor Who can be can help.
I hope I haven’t rambled too much, I’m just so excited to meet a new fan! Also, good on you for trying out one of your friend’s interests. It is good to try new things. I hope you and your friend have plenty of Doctor Who enabled quality time together. And not to jump the gun too much, but if you like Dr. House, I think the Twelfth Doctor (the man on the dragon in my profile picture) might be a good fit for you…


I remember being genuinely shocked when I saw that there were so many episodes missing, and now it’s just kinda sad thinking about it.


Now Peter Capaldi is one I’m very excited for! I’ve heard he’s a lot like the Third Doctor, and just by watching short clips here and there, it seems he really stands out from the rest.