just realized I never introduced myself! Hi, I’m Marshall (or just Marsh)!
I use he/they pronouns, and I’m 20 (been watching doctor who since I was probably like 12)
I’m from the US which kind of sucks bc its so hard to find merch, as well as other people who like doctor who…
I originally watched series 1-7 (and a bit of 10). I would try sometimes to get back into watching it, but it was just so many episodes… and so intimidating…
that is until a 3-4 years ago I strapped in and started my full rewatch… it went kind of slowly but I was able to rewatch everything up to series 10 (and start 13) just in time for the 60th anniversary specials : D
My favorite doctors are 8, 9 and 12! I’m the type of person who really doesn’t like skipping seasons or episodes, so when it comes to classic doctors I’ve mostly just seen the first doctor because I hate not starting from the beginning…
I really want to watch more of the classic doctors though, as well as listen to more of the eighth doctor’s audio stories!
Nice to meet you all!!
Nice to meet you Marsh
Woo, welcome Marsh (that name always makes me think of one of my favourite characters from another franchise…)! You’re not alone in wanting to watch everything on order; I’m also not very fond of skipping around, even if I’ve seen all of Who multiple times.
Nice to meet you!
I also can’t skip around, so a couple of years ago I watched every Classic Who episode in order!
It was quite a mission, but lots of fun! I recommend it
Looking forward to seeing you around the forum more!
Welcome! I hope you have lots of fun here!
Welcome! Someone else who hasn’t finished Classic yet! Great!
You should start a thread together where you watch Classic and share your thoughts on the stories. I’d love to read people’s first reactions to Classic Who stories!
Absolutely do that @btr101 (if you what to )
Also a person called “Marsh” using “he” as a pronoun, you might be a Marshman.
Look at that, that came Full Circle!
(Just a bit of Season 19 humour for you there )
All the classic I’ve seen:
The Daleks
The Edge of Destruction
Keys of Marinus
The Aztecs
Spearhead from Space
Claws of Axos
City of Death
Full Circle
State of Decay
Remembrance of the Daleks
The Movie
So I would be up for doing a Classic watch!
(Although TV Club exists)
That’s a nice list, a bit of this and that from different eras.
(@BillFiler certainly approves of The Claws of Axos…).
And don’t worry about TV Club. We have several audio threads as well that cross over a bit with Audio Club, they exist just to give people a chance to discuss a certain story together with others.
Welcome to the forum @btr101 - great to have you here!
I haven’t either lol
Welcome to the forum, great to have you here!
Welcome! I am also a listen from the start in the right order person haha. It is good to have you here!
[Adric voice] Um, Actually, you mean season 18
And welcome to the forum, Marsh!
Oh no, now everyone will know I’m a Fake Fan™
Heyhey, nice to meet you too😊
i accidentally named myself after marshall lee from adventure time idk if thats the character your thinking of though haha
i might have to break my rules a little just so i can skip ahead and see the marshmen