I normally just lurk silently in any online space but I just really wanted to do quotes on the main website and I have to get verified by introducing myself here.
I’m Crow, I like Doctor Who… a lot. Currently watching classic who for the first time, reading the vnas in order and listening to random audio dramas at work.
Some questions for you, if you’re willing to talk:
Who is your favorite Doctor?
What kind of quotes are you thinking of adding?
Also, I think I’m one of the top five quote catchers on the site, so if you have any questions about adding quotes, I can probably help.
Welcome to our little corner of the Internet! (pats the sofa and puts on Scherzo, which we are listening in Audio Club )
I did my intro mainly to add the Zygon Inversion speech to the quotes, but the forum sucked me in. Better watch your back or you’ll be sharing your mug of the day before today ends!
Welcome! Glad you found our Corner. Now… takes Zagreus CD and plays it to embrace the Insanity.
(Hope you have a fun time here if you decide to be active in the forum itself!)
I’m about halfway through season 11, at ‘the monster of peladon’,
i’ve really adored jon pertwee’s doctor and im a little sad that i’m reaching the end of his and the unit gangs regular appearances but i’ve got to be excited for tom baker just because his era is so popular and because my dad might disown me if i wasn’t lol.
What are you up to and what’s been you favourite era so far?
my favourite doctors 100% Capaldi, i loved all of his era, storyline’s and companions, and while it was far from the first doctor who i ever saw it was the first era i watched as episodes came out without my family.
Though i have really enjoyed seven in the books so far and i’ve still only got to three in classic so maybe i’ll change my mind.
Really just any quote that makes me pause and repeat the quote over and over in my head, be it funny or implicative of stuff
or just really interesting.
Thank you for the offer i’ll be sure to ask you if i have any problems.
no bother it makes total sense and it’s not like it’s particularly hard.
thank you for verifying me i appreciate it, and maybe i will lol everyone seems very friendly