Hi, I am Alexa. I discovered this site after attending the Stuff of Legends Live, last month. That was the first time I very gladly accepted a flyer that was given to me
I got into doctor who august 2014, after my sister had suggested to me that I might like it. Even though she never saw it herself. She was just like “hey this description sounds like something my sister would like” and she was very very right!!
Then I binged it all in about 2 months, new and classic episodes. all of it! That must be some kind of record.
That is also how I learned that you can get very good at a language just by hearing it every single day for many hours, for two months. I’m from Germany, and Doctor Who taught me english.
By now I have also listened to many audios and read some books and comics.
Mostly the Titan comics so far.
I am very insecure and socially akward. But I wanted to take a look at this forum anyway, because I dont know many other Doctor Who fans.
So my contribution might be very sporadic, but I am curious.
That is impressive. I’d get burn out so fast binging it in that speed.
Feel free to browse through our many topics. We also have clubs that are always available with no time limit to jump into. There’s the TV Club that alternates between Classic and New Series every Monday. There’s the Book Club that’s slowly working its way through the Virgin New Adventures and New Series Adventures. There’s the Audio Club that drops a new Big Finish Monthly Adventure every Friday. And there’s the Comic Club that’s working its way through all the Titan comics every other Wednesday.
Welcome, welcome! Come on and sit (pats the sofa and puts on Scherzo)
Same experience here! I owe it largely to Big Finish though. With tv I get sub in both English amd Chinese, but with audios it’s just me and the rewind button. Oh how I love those days…
Welcome!! It’s wonderful to have you here! Please don’t worry at all about adding any comments to anything - there are no time limits here and it doesn’t matter how old a post is. That’s the joy of a forum, it moves slowly. And everyone here is brilliant too!
Two months is really impressive, I thought I was quick by finishing it in less than a year!
Also coincidentally I am German too
Hope you have fun here!
I think there are a lot of folks here who would say the same about themselves (and some have). You’re not alone.
I definitely fit that description when I was younger. I’m in my 50s now, and less insecure than I used to be, for sure, though not sure how much less awkward, if I’m honest. But it’s all good.
Enjoy the site, contribute where you want, I find people here to be warm, welcoming and accepting. I expect you’ll enjoy yourself here. But the first thing I really want to say to you is this…
Learning English by watching Doctor Who? How wonderful is that?! I love that!
Feel free to drop in on any topic you like and post your thoughts, we are all friendly here. There are people from all over the world and some of us are pretty socially awkward too. I handed out lots of flyers those 2 days which was honestly very unlike me, but we have introduced some great people here by doing it!!
Having said that, it was probably @JayPea who gave you a flyer because they were much faster and more confident than me!
As others have said, 2 months is incredibly impressive, it took me over a year just to watch Classic (although I was reading books about it at the same time) and my first language is English!
Did you make a special trip for Big Finish Live or are you living in the UK now?
I specifically went to London for it. There were often Doctor Who Events that I wanted to go to, but it is always so difficult from here. So I generally didnt, but I had said no so many times, when this one came up I just couldnt say no anymore. And it was the eighth doctor, we just never got to see enough of him.
Welcome! Love having you on board!
I must say I am truly impressed with how fast you watched all of TV Who at that time, I myself only finished it early this year, taking about maybe… 1 year and a few months. Utterly Impressive!
Don’t worry about the active Part, as many rightfully pointed it out you can join any discussion whenever you feel most comfortable with, there is no pressure involved! @kevinwho put it pretty much the best, really!
Also, woahh yet another german person on here, love to see!