Hi everyone! I am 21 year old college student from the USA, and you can call me Ardelstar or Anna.
I’m fairly new to Doctor Who, having only become a fan in 2022. My brother and dad had been a fan for a while, but they didn’t really think I’d be interested. They were doing a rewatch of 11s era, and I began watching Doctor Who with the Curse of the Black Spot, which did not make me a fan, and I mostly watched because it was on until around The God Complex, which I unexpectedly loved. The Angels take Manhattan is what cemented me as a fan, and the Eleventh Doctor is still my favorite. I then began catching up with the rest of the show, in albeit a timey wimey way, and have seen all of 9, 10, 11, most of 12, and Series 14, as well as Torchwood and the SJA.
My favorite episode is Human Nature/Family of Blood, which got me to check out Human Nature the book, and thus to learn about the Wilderness Years and more about Classic Who, which I have now seen all of 7’s episodes. I am very excited about how much Doctor Who stories there seem to be. I am also a fairly big Eighth Doctor fan, and am currently listening to the Divergent Universe arc (I will confess I only started listening to his audios because I thought he was pretty).
I enjoy overanalyzing Doctor Who and then blogging about it, and making (bad) fan art, and being involved in the community. I am somewhat of a refugee from the Star Wars fandom, as it became increasingly toxic and closed minded, and I enjoy the (usually) more accepting nature of this fandom, and the wild creativity of the stories that are usually more about moving forward and creating new ideas, than obsessing over the past. But its hard to compare.
Sounds like you’re fairly new but already well-versed in the Whoniverse! It’s so exciting that you have so much to look forward to - as you say, there’s a lot. And yes, the Eighth Doctor is pretty!
I had a bit of a taste of this when I really enjoyed The Acolyte but then saw Star Wars fandom review-bomb it and say it is woke and ‘not my Star Wars’. Such a shame as it was something new and different.
(There are plenty of ‘not my Doctor’ ‘fans’ in Doctor Who, but we don’t tolerate any of that nonsense here, so we are hopefully toxicity-free)
I see you’ve been a member since February, so one of the really early adopters, glad you decided to join in with the forum
I think someone posted a link on Reddit, and I really enjoyed the search features, the ability to rate stories, and have mainly used it to compile lists of stories that look interesting. I love making lists.
Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy your time with us!
The Curse of the Black Spot is definitely not the best episode to begin with, so I can see why you weren’t hooked right away. Doctor Who doesn’t have a very good track record with pirate stories…
Out of curiosity: haven’t you seen any 13? And I assume that you’ve also seen the 60th specials, given that you’ve seen Series 15/Season 1.
Also interesting that you found Classic through the VNAs. It’s usually the other way around.
Is Eight pretty? I don’t know. Perhaps he is. I think he is the Cool Uncle Doctor though, which is why I love him!