You’re in the UK! You could’ve checked this on the iPlayer yourself before getting too excited ;
Bill wouldn’t know, would he? He’s in Denmark!
You’re in the UK! You could’ve checked this on the iPlayer yourself before getting too excited ;
Bill wouldn’t know, would he? He’s in Denmark!
Why don’t we have TARDISodes on the Guide?
They’re coming!
That sounds ominous…
Coming in 2025:
“The Terror of the TARDISodes of Undying Death” by Robert Holmes and Robin Bland.
Hopefully only accessible via an obscure button on the Guide, or by having to text a random code to a number to download the page
You need to decipher a secret message, then send the answer to a secret e-mail, where you will receive an ultra-difficult Doctor Who trivia question, which you have to figure out and answer correctly, record the answer, and send it to @shauny and @deltaandthebannermen, who will then judge your worthiness and send you a link to the episode. Clicking the link will take you to the Doctor Who version of the 2048 game, which you have to complete successfully; after that, you have to complete today’s Whodle on the first try before the video opens. You then have to sit through The Ballad of the Last Chance Saloon, Doctor in Distress, and Always a Twist at the End and the lowest-rated story on Tardis Guide before you can watch the actual video.
Either that, or bring definite proof that you’ve reached the Thirteenth Doctor in the “13” minigame
22 posts were merged into an existing topic: Thirteen Thread