Elimination Game: The Daleks vs The Daleks

No, next we’ll do every Classic Who story! It would take half a year, muhaha!


Maybe that would be a bit much. How about the best telesnap episode?


So the Ranking stays:
1° Remembrance of the Daleks
2° The Power of Daleks
3° Dalek
4° The Parting of the Ways
5° The Day of the Doctor
6° Eve of the Daleks
7° The Evil of the Daleks
8° The Magician’s Apprentice
9° Revelation of the Daleks
10° The Dalek Invasion of Earth
11° The Daleks
12° The Power of the Doctor
13° The Daleks’ Master Plan
14° The Witch’s Familiar
15° Revolution of the Daleks
16° Asylum of the Daleks
17° Once, Upon Time
18° Doctor Who (TV Movie)
19° The Five Doctors
20° Mission to the Unknown
21° Hell Bent
22° Resolution
23° The Pilot
24° The Vanquishers
25° The Stolen Earth
26° Frontier in Space
27° The War Games
28° The Mind of Evil
29° The Pandorica Opens
30° The Big Bang
31° The Wedding of River Song
32° Army of Ghosts
33° Susan and the Daleks (30 Years in the TARDIS)
34° Doomsday
35° Resurrection of the Daleks
36° Bad Wolf
37° Friend from the Future
38° Day of the Daleks
39° Twice upon a Time
40° The Waters of Mars
41° Daleks in Manhattan
42° Evolution of the Daleks
43° The Time of the Doctor
44° Destination: Skaro
45° The Last Day
46° Journey’s End
47° Planet of the Daleks
48° Destiny of the Daleks
49° Dr Who and the Daleks
50° Into the Dalek
51° Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 AD
52° The Space Museum
53° Genesis of the Daleks
54° Death to the Daleks
55° The Curse of Fatal Death
56° Victory of the Daleks
57° The Chase

Wow, 57 stories, now I understand why the number of badges that I have


One thing worth noting is that being eliminated early isn’t really an indication that an episode is terrible. It mostly indicates that there were a few people that really didn’t like it, and that people that did like it may have liked other ones better…

I mean, I’d rather watch “Genesis of the Daleks” then “Daleks in Manhattan”. Don’t know about anyone else.


This is like, world’s weirdest and most biased rankings list ever :rofl: sheer determination by me gave the TV Movie a wayyyy higher spot on this list than it deserved but Journey’s End is 46th? hilarious :rofl::rofl:


Yep, and two really long serials with the majority of their episodes missing that the average person is going to be inclined to skip are in the top 13… :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah Journey’s End’s place on that list might be down to me :wink:


I think I single-handedly carried Eve of the Daleks to 6th place and I’ll never forgive y’all for not letting it reach top 5.


My case with The Parting of the Ways, but @shauny helped a lot too

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And that’s just TV. Add books and Audio, and eventually comics, and you have tons.

Masterplan is at 13, and it deserves to be higher, but I’ll be happy with where it is. The novel was one of my favourites, which was a shock given the John Peel of it all.