Elimination Game - Revenge of the losers

[quote=“twelvesoswald, post:10, topic:6060”]
[5] - The Reign of Terror - Season 1
[5] - The Beast Below - Series 5
[5] - The Quarks - Troughton Monsters
[5] - Captain Wrack - Fifth Doctor Villains
[5] - K9 - The Spin Offs
[5] - The Chase - The Daleks vs The Daleks
[3] - San Helios - RTD Planets
[5] - Kalik - Third Doctor villains
[5] - Gordon Tipple - I am the Master and you will obey me
[5] - The Web Planet - Season 2
[5] - Twice Upon a Time - Series 10
[5] - The Cave of Skulls; The Forest of Fear; The Firemaker - Historical Stories
[5] - Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel - Adapted Stories
[3] - Cyberwoman - Delete the Cybermen
[6] - The Girl in the Fireplace - Series 2
[5] - Time and the Rani - Season Openers
[5] - Time and the Rani - Regeneration Stories
[5] - Galaxy 4 - Season 3
[5] - Cyberwoman - Torchwood Series 1 & 2
[5] - Cold Blood - Silurians!
[5] - Earth, 140,000,000 BCE (Time-Flight) - Nyssa’s Televised Destinations
[7] - The Apocalypse Element - Big Finish Main Range #1-25
[5] - Diseased Patients - Series 2 Villains, Monsters and Aliens
[5] - The Smugglers - Season 4
[5] - The Ambassadors of Death - Malcolm Hulke Edition
[6] - Dark Water - Rachel Talalay Edition
[5] - Adam Mitchell - Male companions
[5] - Terry Nation - Hartnell TV Writers
[5] - The Ice Warriors - What Missing story do you want back?
[5] - Kamelion - Robot/Cyborg/Dog Companions
[5] - Sniper Bots - Robotic Adversaries
[5] - Dalek Puppet (Asylum of the Daleks ) - Dalek Designs
[5] - The End of Time - Christmas Stories
[5] - The Myth Makers (Katarina) - Companion Debut
[6] - Genesis of the Daleks - Top 20 Stories
[5] - The Tsuranga Conundrum - What is the WORST Doctor Who TV Story
[6] - Time Lords (Exile) - Anniversary Special Main Enemies - 1973-2012
[1] - Empire of Death - RTD2 Episodes this far!
[4] - Joy to the World - Episodes written by Steven Moffat
[5] - Empire of Death - Episodes written by Russell T. Davies
[3] - The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos - Episodes written by Chris Chibnall

[0] - Lady Christina de Souza - Female companions

Fun tidbit, according to the DW RPG books she ends up working for UNIT

Don’t ask how that works lmao