[10] The Parting of the Ways
[17] Midnight
[10] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
Voting any of these down is simply heartbreaking at this point.
[10] The Parting of the Ways
[17] Midnight
[10] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
Voting any of these down is simply heartbreaking at this point.
[10] The Parting of the Ways
[18] Midnight
[10] Turn Left
[9] The Waters of Mars
[10] The Parting of the Ways
[19] Midnight
[8] Turn Left
[9] The Waters of Mars
[8] The Parting of the Ways
[19] Midnight
[8] Turn Left
[10] The Waters of Mars
Genuinely hard now! Parting is slightly lower for me than the others, though.
[8] The Parting of the Ways
[19] Midnight
[6] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
[8] The Parting of the Ways
[20] Midnight
[4] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
[6] The Parting of the Ways
[20] Midnight
[4] Turn Left
[12] The Waters of Mars
[4] The Parting of the Ways
[21] Midnight
[4] Turn Left
[12] The Waters of Mars
[4] The Parting of the Ways
[22] Midnight
[2] Turn Left
[12] The Waters of Mars
[4] The Parting of the Ways
[22] Midnight
[3] Turn Left
[10] The Waters of Mars
I was sorely tempted to kill but imo turn left is the best of these so I will not be doing that
[2] The Parting of the Ways
[22] Midnight
[3] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
[3] The Parting of the Ways
[22] Midnight
[1] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
[1] The Parting of the Ways
[22] Midnight
[2] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
Nooo! You robbed me of the chance to kill Parting of the Ways!
Then again I could still kill Turn Left… but I don’t want to
[22] Midnight
[3] Turn Left
[11] The Waters of Mars
[-1] The Parting of the Ways
I mean, I can’t save it but I can’t believe Turn Left is losing to The Waters of Mars. Just that scene with Wilf alone should have it battling for the top spot.
What does Mars have - some scary monsters and 10 being a dick. I hate it when the Doctor is written as a dick.
[22] Midnight
[4] Turn Left
[9] The Waters of Mars
[22] Midnight
[5] Turn Left
[7] The Waters of Mars
Turn Left deserves to get 2nd.
[20] Midnight
[6] Turn Left
[7] The Waters of Mars
Midnight is great but best RTD-penned episode? You’re serious?
[20] Midnight
[7] Turn Left
[5] The Waters of Mars
Turning the tide.
[18] Midnight
[7] Turn Left
[6] The Waters of Mars
Balancing it out a bit, even though ‘Midnight’ is my fav here.
[18] Midnight
[8] Turn Left
[4] The Waters of Mars
Arg. I want the TL win so I should vote down Midnight but I’m really v meh about Mars…