This is why we need a reaction.
Hey! You stole that line!
Get back to reading those comics
No! Lost in Time itself is a pile of crap the size of the sewers on Tersurus, but the Doom’s Day part of it was fun!
This I proclaim from this Sofa of Reasonable Comfort I am sitting in right now.
(You’ll never guess what I’ve just rewatched )
Watch out! I might’ve bribed the architect to suddenly make the sofa eat you alive!
Did I tell you that I once had a website called The Sofa of Reasonable Comfort - this was in the late 90s!
Can this still be accessed by means of something like the Way back Machine or the like???
What was it about?
Do we want to know? It sounds sketchy! This was the wild 90s, remember!
I doubt it. I don’t think it ever got past a couple of pages. It was a joint project with a couple of my high school friends. Obviously about Doctor Who.
No, it is not that fun. It was mid at best…
Obviously. But it could be a fanzine, a DW news site, fanfic central or any number of things
Look at this: @Tian and @BillFiler disagreeing about something! I’m shocked!
I didn’t say hilarious
Oh I don’t think we ever really got far enough. I suppose it was going to be sort of fanziney.
I had my own site called Black Orchid which had proto-reviews on it and, god help me, I think some fan fiction.
That site, is thankfully, long gone.
There is another site, still maintained by my friend, where I used to write tales of our adventures in fandom.
And no, I’m not telling you where it is.
We will use the Mind Probe if you do not reveal this information!
Where’s that badge for steering threads wildly off topic…?
I am not above asking three times you know