Does modern Doctor Who waste its guest stars?

It’s not modern who but I just want to use those opportunity to mention both the best and most wasted guest (well cameo I guess) in John cleese


John Cleese was clearly a cameo and as such not, in my mind, a waste. My original thought was ‘scripted’ characters who are then hardly in the episode.


I imagine at least some of these big names are happy to do a bit part. It’s a small commitment of their time, and some a) may be enough in demand that that’s all they can commit or b) just are tickled to be able to say “I was in Doctor Who”, like I would be.

What I’m getting at is that for some stars it may actually be their preference to just do a bit part or a drop in, if you will.



My thread title was a little provocative and I absolutely get that some ‘big names’ won’t be able to commit to much or are advancing in years such as Sian Philips.