Surely only the majority, I would think that’s the whole point of the episode being ‘lite’
Two excellent examples - I recently listened to the audiobook of The Cabinet of Light and enjoyed it and Who Killed Kennedy was a favourite read of mine back in the Virgin days.
The Cabinet of Light is classified as Doctor-lite on the site. This was my review:
Yeah, I read that. I like it :3
That’s probably because, while Twelve features heavily in the story, it’s a simulated version of him.
There’s quite a few Companion Chronicles that are Doctor lite. Solitaire is the one that leaps to mind, which was also veery good, but there are others.
Also, if you’re looking at episodes of audio stories then the first episode of Winter for the Adept is Doctor lite. And, technically so are the first three episodes of Omega .
As much as Doctor-lite episodes can be great I feel that 2/8 was too many for Season 1.
We didn’t get enough episodes that followed the formula for subverting it to have the intended impact.
I love Flatline, it actually got me to like Clara for 45 minutes, so that’s an achievement.
The Natural History of Fear is one of my favourites, the twist that it is Doctor-lite is beautifully done, and the entire story is absolutely brilliant.
Twist? This being one of the few Big Finish audios I’ve listened to so far (which I don’t even think I finished), I don’t even remember the Doctor being in it at all.
But correct me if I’m wrong.
True but those episodes were a result of forced necessity and I imagine one of them we at least wouldn’t have got till a later season, if at all, if Gatwa had been fully available for filming.
It is revealed at the end that we’ve actually been listening to aliens with the Doctor, Charley and C’rizz’s memories or personalities or something, the real deals having left the planet before the story even starts. I’m in the hugely overrated camp on that story though - I don’t get what’s so great about it. I also thought it was a bit odd to have a story with C’Rizz acting strangely when we hardly knew anything about him. It might have been more powerful further down the line of that trio’s adventures.
Sorry just catching up with this. I think it should be only if the Doctor is absent for the majority of the story, something which defines the story, not just that Hartnell had a holiday
Doctor or Companion takes a holiday could be a trope of its own.