Comic Club: Serve You

Space in Dimension Relative and Time: 8/10

Great use of the comic format to tell a story in reverse and go for an experimental approach. The Doctor is well-written. This is fast-paced and keeps shifting all the time, and it’s occasionally difficult to follow along. But yay for more Nimons! The Time Leech is underutilised.

The Eternal Dogfight: 6/10

A slower chapter and one big set-up. I like how it initially explored the story through Alice’s narration and experiences but then veered away from that. Jones is annoying. ARC is developed a bit more and there’s a good scene between it and the Doctor. I also love the jetpack scene and the cliffhanger.

The Infinite Astronaut: 7/10

An interesting exploration of grief and coping methods is here. Loads of exposition and backstory. Alice and Jones are put to good use; the twist surrounding Alice’s mother is effective but predictable and the cliffhanger is good.

The Rise and Fall: 7/10

One big setup for the finale, builds ominous vibes. Gives me Nightmare in Silver vibes. Alice works out how things are as the Doctor walks into a trap in another exciting cliffhanger.

The Other Doctor: 8/10

A fun way to end this story. The Last of the Time Lords vibes in this one, with the companions fighting back as the Doctor has turned evil. There’s a fun final revelation as well. Alice becomes the Doctor (very original) and Jones is her annoying sidekick. The ending feels a bit abrupt.