Definitely preferred this run to Tens. What are your thoughts on Jones?
I liked him but I definitely wish there were more do him
I think of the comics so far, Alice is the best companion followed closely by Gabby (honestly maybe they’re on par, I just prefer Alice’s intro) then Arc then Jones
An adequate anthology, overall. Looking forward to the Twelfth Doctor Volumes!
Give Free or Die
I have to admit, I thoroughly enjoyed Give Free or Die (I even added it to my favorites). I think of myself as an author, at least some of the time, so I found the idea of the author as a monster and the book as a living entity of its own as quite appealing. I also think “Prohibited Sphere” is a funny name.
Four Dimensions
Four Dimensions was fairly good. Like “Space In Relative Dimensions And Time” it is a TARDIS-centric story that utilizes the format in a creative way. It is interesting that we get to learn more about ARC, but it does cause me to wonder if the comic stories in the Eleventh Doctor Volumes especially are overly reliant on gimmicks.
I can’t quite decide how I feel about “Conversion.” I’m intrigued by Cybermen in a historical setting, but I’m not really sure that the setting fits the story well. I suppose I can’t decide how I feel about Constantine, so I can’t figure out how I feel about a story with him in it. I appreciate that there is a showpiece for darker Doctor moments.
The Comfort of the Good
I find things to appreciate in this story. I appreciate that Alice gets a chance to pay forward the favor that the Doctor did for her. The end of the SERVEYOU plotline is satisfying enough, although I wish that the mysterious Time Lord figure could have been a separate mystery. I also like that the TARDIS has personality in the story.
Just wanted to say how much I’ve appreciated having these Comic Clubs to make me go back and properly re-read the Titan stuff. Having read them piecemeal over the years via the Doctor Who Comic publication I don’t think I properly appreciated them and this has made me understand them a whole lot more and really enjoy them. Hugely looking forward to the next bunch.
I am reading them for the first time and I am impressed by the general quality of them. I was expecting them to be much more hit-or-miss than they are.
Eleventh Doctor FCBD 2015 - Give Free Or Die
A fun interlude that didn’t feel as jarringly out of place being inserted here at the start of Volume 3 as the Tenth Doctor Free Comic Book story did (by interrupting an ongoing narrative where there was no room to put a gap).
Exactly the right kind of story for this promotion IMO - light & self-contained with a brief introduction to the companions. And highly topical as well!
The Eleventh Doctor #11 - Four Dimensions
Well I take it all back! After the previous installment on the SERVEYOUinc world fell flat for me, I absolutely loved this one.
The split into the four coloured panels to distinguish the thread for each character was pure genius, and we finally started getting some answers. Looking forward to the next story now especially now that they’ve finally started doing them as proper 2-parters - it’s about time!
The Eleventh Doctor #12-13 - Conversion
Well this one lost some points from me for bad science - while I could just about buy the Doctor being able to survive for a few moments in the vacuum of space, there is no possible way that Jones could have done. And they certainly wouldn’t have been able to have any kind of conversation!
Aside from that, this was an enjoyable enough story that didn’t go where I expected it to from the title combined with the cliffhanger.
The Eleventh Dpctor #14-15 - The Comfort Of The Good
At least it had a nice tidy ending with all the plot threads finally resolved. As others have said, they really could have done more with Jones but at least the history of Alice’s mother being a fan was kept intact.
Alice has grown so much as a character this series so it will be interesting to see where they take her next.
Not sure about the “Doctor’s mother” thing though - making her a Time Lord was a bit presumptuous to say the least!
Generally I much preferred the Tenth Doctor comics to the Eleventh so far, although there were individual stories that bucked the trend. So it will be interesting to see where they go with the Twelfth Doctor…
Give Free or die was fun and simple. I liked the concept and the way it was done with colours in four dimensions, that was really cool. Conversion I mostly liked the historical stuff, and the character work, I like that there are actual consequences for the doctor ‘betraying’ them before. The comfort of the good is also great with that, especially seeing the darker/more melancholic side of the eleventh doctor. Since he’s appearing younger, sillier and more energetically it can be easy to dismiss those mental problems that all of the doctor’s (later) incarnations have, and I think it was good to see how Alice brought that out of him and helped him address it a bit.