Comic Club: After Life

Realised I already wrote a review of What He Wants… when I read it as part of my marathon (due to it’s 1931 setting).


The Eleventh Doctor #3 - What He Wants…

Not really sure what to make of this one! There were a lot of elements crammed in but no time to develop anything properly. I was looking forward to seeing Alice exploring the Mississippi historical setting but that never happened. She never even got the chance to meet anyone apart from Robert Johnson who already knew the Doctor.

John Jones seems to have become an additional companion by accidentally stowing away - it will be interesting to see how he is developed going forwards.

And what does the Doctor want with/from the Time Lords?


The Eleventh Doctor #4 - Whodunnit

Well I’m really starting to enjoy this series now. I loved the character moments with Alice, & the Doctor’s explanation of why they needed to have the “their future/his past” encounter with Hart in order to preserve the timeline before the TARDIS would take her home. The “timelocked” concept also ties in with other stuff I have been reading recently.

I was wondering how on earth they were going to get this wrapped up by the end of the issue & was delighted to discover that it was a “two-episode finale”.


Just read this and feel the same. It was not bad but it was a bit underdeveloped. I think this would have been better if it had run over at least two issues.


The Eleventh Doctor #5 - The Sound Of Our Voices

I enjoyed this one too, especially that (for once) no-one died and ARC restored the minds of those in comas.

I wasn’t expecting him (?) to join the TARDIS crew though - he’s a bit large & conspicuous to blend in if visiting Earth or other worlds! I liked the fact that he & Jones seem to be developing a bond though and I’m intrigued to see how that develops.


Without spoiling anything, you’ll find out just how well ARC fits with the rest of the TARDIS crew :slight_smile:


I really need to finish this volume!


Finally finished the two last stories.

I like the TARDIS crew a lot but the story was kind of meh. I am excited to see ARC join the crew and future stories. I think that the second story was better than the first but it feelt more like one story than two.

#4 3.5/5
#5 4/5


Not sure the final two stories here are as good as the opening but I like spending time with 11 and Alice.


I finally got around to this, though I have read these before. The first issue is a lot of fun, kind of bonkers, but fun. I could immediately hear Matt Smith in the dialogue. I’m not a fan of the art for this series, especially the people. I don’t know, it’s almost to cartoony for me. I prefer more realistic art when it comes to comics. Alice is a great companion and a nice temper to the Eleventh Doctor. The basic plot of this first issue is fine, but nothing overly outstanding. The best moments stem from the characters rather than the plot.


Finished the second issue. Also a lot of fun. No matter what I think of the art, the writing has captured the Eleventh Doctor perfectly. A fun story, but also vary much an arc story, laying hints of future/past events. A lot of fun with a fascinating monster.


Third issue down. More fun Eleventh Doctor stuff. I vaguely remember where the ServeYouInc stuff and the Talent Scout stuff is going, but not well enough to remember details. Therefore, I’m having a lot of fun with this. It’s kind of interesting that this is the first time (to my knowledge) Doctor Who has 1930s Blue era Mississippi/American South. That region feels ripe for Doctor Who stories. Anyway, I’ve got things to do, so the next issue will have to wait.


Finished issue #4. Another good issue, but not really much to say. It’s the first half of a two-parter (the other have been relatively self-contained) and is enoyable as the arc comes into play a lot more. Looking forward to how this ends.


Finished this one last night. It’s good. While I’m a fan of the art-style, the comic’s writing captures Matt Smith’s Eleventh Doctor excellently. Looking forward to the next one.


Decided to try some comics for once, these were fun! I really like Alice, I think her dynamic with eleven is really good and something really different too. I especially liked after life and the sound of our voices, the middle ones were a bit weaker in my opinion