Choose the Future - Night of the Kraken - Read-along

I couldn’t wait to start Night of the Kraken, but also don’t want to read it before we vote, so I did the next best thing: logging each chapter’s option into this mind-map without actually reading anything.

Basically I chose the first option for every chapter, starting with ch.1, the work backwards for other options when I

  • a) get to The End (yellow marker) or
  • b) get to chapters I already read (green marker, and I circled the first appearance of those chapters with red pen)
  • or c) stuck in a loop (blue marker).

But when I checked if I got every chapter logged, there’re 12 chapters missing. So… might wasted all that time I could listened to a whole audio :sweat_smile:

The mind-map, probably not all accurate because it’s 4 a.m. now lol