Choose the Future - Night of the Kraken - Read-along 2

I do sometimes wonder what new people make of some of our bizarre conversations round here…



I know right, this has gone so downhill already and we haven’t even started :sweat_smile:


I think that this will be on-topic when we get started. But yes if someone from the outside saw this it might be a bit strange :joy:


What do you get when you multiply six by nine?


How could you ever think that our funny and random ramblings represent a downward slope in forum activity quality?

Anyway, blame @Tian for starting this thread too early and allowing us to go on a rampage (I believe he is supposed to be a moderator :wink:).

And I believe any and all outsiders love some funny fooling around in these trying times! And if not, please accept my humble apologies. I am simply a young man stuck in a dark and cold corner of the planet and trying to occupy myself with fun stuff while waiting for summer to return!


So apparently there’s a Kraken mention in Unnatural History and they’re from higher dimensions???

The Doctor took the binoculars out of her hands, and she tucked them under her armpits, stamping her feet to try to get the blood flowing again. ‘Call it a Kraken,’ he said quietly. ‘It comes from the higher dimensions. It floats in the void, twisting itself through the folded space in ways we can barely comprehend.’


Copy ordered! Didn’t cost anything either as I have a sizeable gift certificate value on Amazon from end of term gifts from the kids.


And you have to use it up before the next end of term in a couple of weeks!


Nah, I can just add to it. It will be paying for the Season 2 standard edition bluray at some point.


My copy has arrived.

Really think online sellers have a different definition of ‘very good condition’ to me but never mind. It was only £4.


Just a reminder! We will start reading this on Monday!

Get your copies here: Amazon link or this Ebay link


I have mine! I’m ready! I’m stoked!

Let’s goooooooooooo!!!


Thanks for the reminder. For some reason I was thinking we were starting next Friday. Not that I think I would have missed it. I just got my Aficionado badge today, so it’s not like I’m not here every single day, but still…

I found my copy and brought it downstairs a couple of days ago, so I’m good to go too.

RELEASE THE… no, no, sorry, a little too early.


I couldn’t wait to start Night of the Kraken, but also don’t want to read it before we vote, so I did the next best thing: logging each chapter’s option into this mind-map without actually reading anything.

Basically I chose the first option for every chapter, starting with ch.1, the work backwards for other options when I

  • a) get to The End (yellow marker) or
  • b) get to chapters I already read (green marker, and I circled the first appearance of those chapters with red pen)
  • or c) stuck in a loop (blue marker).

But when I checked if I got every chapter logged, there’re 12 chapters missing. So… might wasted all that time I could listened to a whole audio :sweat_smile:

The mind-map, probably not all accurate because it’s 4 a.m. now lol


It would be fun to see one for the last book. Can you make that?


Oh yes. I was gonna do that anyway :smiley:


Night of the Kraken - Page 1

The Doctor lands in late 18th-century Cornwall, stepping onto a windswept moor under a darkening sky. Spotting a lighthouse with an unlit lantern, he wonders why the TARDIS brought him here. Suddenly, a rider on horseback approaches at speed, and the sight of a swinging noose on a gallows adds a chilling tension.

What do you think the Doctor should do?

  • If you think the Doctor should stand his ground
  • If you think he should take cover as best he can
0 voters

Of course he’ll keep standing there. This is the 12th Doctor we’re talking about. He tells Rassilon to get off his planet! (Blurred just in case someone still hasn’t seen Heaven Sent/Hell Bent)


First of all, yay for a new readalong!

Second of all, I can alredy tell from just this first chapter that this book is much better written than the first one.

Third of all, he’s the Doctor! My hero! He doesn’t hide from danger, but faces it upfront!


I would be a strong supporter of standing still. The sweeping winds of the late 18th century, the galloping riders, the Doctor would be as silent and still as the moors. Hopefully the wind and the faint starlight would draw out the Doctor’s godlike aspect. This will be very 12th.