Book Club: Timewyrm: Apocalypse

Someone recently told me that this book was essentially ‘The Macra Terror’ but without the giant crabs, and incredibly boring. I honestly think that’s a fair description.

Good God, ‘Apocalypse’ was a difficult review to write: I genuinely struggled to think of anything - good or bad - to say about it!

I know Nigel Robinson has done some good stuff in the franchise - I liked that one ‘Companion Chronicle’ he did set in Ancient China - but this book was just painfully generic.

I could praise ‘Exodus’ for hours.

Christ! At least with a car crash like ‘Genesys’ I could slate it till the cows come home, because that would at least be somewhat catharic.

This… I mean it’s like sticking your head in wallpaper paste and trying to eat it: it’s not gonna fill you up, just leave a bad taste in your mouth…

Also probably give you a trip to A&E - the wallpaper paste, not the book; I think this metaphor has trailed off somewhat.

Feel free to read my review of ‘Timewyrm: Apocalypse’.

Likes are much appreciated. I am very shamelessly aiming for those reviewer badges :joy: