These were the first Big Finish stories I listened to and really enjoyable as a sort of sample of all the different Doctors on audio and a bunch of other characters. Need to re-listen before Coda because I’ve forgotten a lot of it, but I remember Artist being a clear favorite and also really enjoyed the 10Missy dynamic in Martian Invasion
I thought this series started poorly but gradually built up some momentum. I didn’t care for the degeneration idea much at all, or at least not the way it was done. Some of the Doctors seemed to get the brief that they were not playing their Doctor - Tennant and Noonan and Tom were the best at it I felt.
The recasts didn’t bother me, I think Noonan and Sadie Miller and Christopher Naylor do a good job but the approach to the series very much did bother me. There were enough highlights that it came out in the wash as ok but I thought that of the first 4, A Genius for War was the strongest and the others completely underwhelming.
So I was bordering on annoyed but The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50 was, in my opinion, wonderful and I was pretty buoyed up. Time Lord Immemorial and The Union may not have reached those heights but I still found more to enjoy than the first batch of stories.
I quite like the concept of The Eleven etc and, nine times out of ten, the execution and Maureen O’Brien gives a brilliant new take on the character, so that reveal was quite neat I thought. It didn’t finish the series super neatly but the beginning was far too choppy anyway so I actually think the fault lies there instead.
Obviously we have The Coda to come, which very much is framed as a coda and not part of the main story. So I do think it’s safe enough to rate the series as a whole at this point without having heard ‘The Final Act’ yet. But I’m keen to hear it regardless, I think Carley as the War Doctor is astonishingly good and it’s obviously Jo Martin’s Big Finish debut so there is a novelty there, in terms of the limited experience we have of that incarnation as well as a new Doctor to Big Finish.
So while I think Once and Future is too messy a series as a whole to really be a strong anniversary celebration (with what I’ve always considered to be a fan-fiction idea at the heart of it. Seriously, the Doctor flitting between incarnations has been suggested by so many people on message boards in the run up to anniversaries that when BF actually did it I was already underwhelmed) it still had some excellent stuff within and I’m excited we’ve got one more episode of it.
Just listened to The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50.
Once and Future continues the nostalgia fan-fest.
First I’ve heard of Noonan’s First Doctor and I love it, he captures the essence of the character beautifully. Much better than Hurndall and Bradley.
David Tennant and Michelle Gomez both chew the scenery quite a bit, but their respective incarnations work very well together.
Catrin Stewart does a horrendous “possessed voice”.
Haven’t really heard anything with Strax on audio before, does he ever escape the “one-trick comedy pony track” and if not doesn’t that become kind of stale?
First I’ve heard of Eccleston on audio and I have to say I got a bit emotional Plus David Warner is fantastic as the Unbound Doctor. I actually really enjoyed Time Lord Immemorial
The Union was a bit of a mixed bag. Paul McGann and Carole Ann Ford are always amazing. Don’t know why Tom Baker should feature so much here when it was McGann’s turn to shine. River Song meeting Doctors other than 11 is not really for me, though Alex Kingston is great as ever. Maureen O’Brien was good but ultimately I don’t really have a vested interest in the Union/Eleven whatever they choose to call that character. Lots of nice little moments though and plenty more of the oversaturated anniversary fanw**k.
Kind of interested in how they are going to tag a Coda to this storyline, it feels as if everything has been tied up neatly in a bow and all the toys are back in the box.
My only disappointment with The Union is that Jacob Dudman was voicing the Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors as opposed to their actual actors. If they couldn’t get Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi, I’d rather they hadn’t bothered including those Doctors.
Oh but Dudman does an amazing 11th Doctor And since it is more a celebration of all of Big Finish than 60 years of Doctor Who, it would be a bit off to not have Dudman voice those two characters for this celebration spectacular.
I wonder if they have managed to sneak a Jodie Whittaker cameo in with the Coda coming later this year …
That’s true, he is, but I still couldn’t help but feel disappointed when the trailer teased the Eleventh Doctor and made us all think they had got Matt Smith onboard, when they hadn’t.
Speak for yourself, I didn’t fall for that. I don’t think they would’ve just casually dropped a Matt Smith announcement in a trailer, they would have made a proper announcement (like they did with Eccleston and Whittaker, not to mention Jo Martin in the Coda).
Yeah, I just went and watched it. It was just a picture of Smith and the word Jammie Dodger - that didn’t look like an announcement for something as big as Matt Smith joining Big Finish to me either😉
Enjoyed Coda. Didn’t love it to bits, but it was fun and light and it’s always good to hear Benny—in anything—and Vienna, too! I wish she and Benny had shared a scene. I think they’d make great scene partners.
Here’s my ranking of Once and Future:
The Artist at the End of Time. A real standout. Bittersweet and full of ideas.
The Union. I know it’s not much more than a deluge of cameos, but I still enjoyed all the cameos!
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50. The character interactions in this one were fun.
Past Lives. On a par with Martian Invasion, I think. Fun characters, little plot.
A Genius for War. the only think I remember about this is that Veklin was in it <3
Two’s Company. I liked the Two!
Time Lord Immemorial. Felt like a waste of all four of its brilliant, beloved characters, especially David Warner! I wanted much more from this.
Overall, I enjoyed most episodes of Once and Future on a surface level, but I wish it had gone the extra mile to be more than just a bit of fun with the famous BF dartboard. The Artist and Coda felt like the only stories that actually gave some thought to theme and character.
I have been re-listening to this series during the past couple of days and they are better then I remember. I still have one and a half episode to listen to before Coda.