well! can use this then
Don’t know where to put this, so I’ll just post here.
I think a series of Pride box sets (like the Eighth of March) would be really cool.
Does anyone have any ideas of characters they think could feature in some of these audios?
Oh that would be super cool! Only thought I have right now is that I want the time lords to go really weird with gender because it makes zero sense for them to have a binary gender system actually and I need that to be properly explored.
Apart from that you could probably put nearly every character in there, because most have been at least implied to be queer somewhere
I love this idea. Yes! They should do it!
Most people in Doctor Who seem to be queer so it could be so many
Some on my list would be (only including people who have worked with Big Finish or BBC Audio before):
- River Song (#sorrynotsorry)
- Vastra and Jenny
- Ianto Jones, John Hart, Mr Colchester, Tyler, Orr… A lot of Torchwood actually.
- Luke Smith
- Charlie and Matteusz
- Tania Bell
- The cast of Redacted
- I just read that Adric is bisexual?!
- and of course, Thirteen and Yaz
Sorry if I missed any, just scanned a list on the Wiki, lol
It’s in the rather lovely Short Trip: A Full Life.
I mean, the obvious answer is 13 and River
Adric is also given a male love interest in the wonderful murder mystery The Merfolk Murders.
Honestly, I’d love them to finally cast Sanjay
really hoping for torchwood news soon!!!
Rose Noble
15 and Rouge
Two and Jamie?
I was going for just people who have done stuff with Big Finish, otherwise the wish list could get really big!
I was just wondering about that, they should’ve announced February’s monthly range story at least a couple of weeks ago…
Yk, I last pre-ordered Ianto’s Inferno in September. I didn’t expect to literally not know the contents of the one after for nearly 5 months.
As a side note, someone did point out what’s taking so long with the Monthlies on Twitter and (it was Sean Longmore) replied with “”
My guess is there will be something big this year for Torchwood, with the 100th monthly range story and 10 years since the range started, so I’m willing to be patient
Saw someone say “100th audio will be Jackie Tyler falling down the invisible lift after a girls-night out.”
Tempering my expectations wisely
I’d buy that
To be fair, I once had a dream that the next Torchwood release would just feature Ianto saying ‘William Hartnell’ over and over again for an hour and I personally think that’s a great use of my money
In Solavellan communities I often see the phrase “he could read aloud a phone book to me and I still wouldn’t get bored”
Sam is bisexual. Fitz is heavily implied to be bisexual. Not sure about Compassion, Anji or Trix.
Izzy is probably a lesbian, Fey too. Thinking about Feyde in terms of gender and identity of self is definitely complex. I am sure Kroton would have some issues too but nothing in text.
Nothing confirmed about Charley, C’rizz or Audacity, but both Charley and Audacity are non gender conforming to a degree so you could read something there.
I can’t think of any evidence whatsoever for Lucie or Tamsin.
Liv is probably bisexual. Helen is queer, I read her as lesbian. Tania is trans but I can’t remember if she ever says she is lesbian, bi or pan. I can’t think of anything explicit ever said about Andy but no way that guy is straight.
Bliss is probably queer? It has been some time since I listened to State of Bliss so not so sure. Alex II is (probably) bi so I read Alex I as bi too. Nothing to be said about Cass yet afaik.
Anyway, all of this to say: me thinks Eight doesn’t travel with non-queer people.
I think this is why they haven’t done a Pride boxset.
There’s no point, all of Big Finish is pretty queer, how would you tell the difference?