Appreciation Index

I always see Appreciation Index here and on the Wiki (hope everything’s going well over there!) but I don’t know exactly what it is. Can anyone elucidate?


Unless I’m mistaken, it’s an indicator used to measure how much the public liked a TV episode. So they send out questionnaires to a select few after an episode has aired and they fill in how much they liked the episode. And the final results give us the appreciation index, ie. how much the public appreciated, or liked, the episode. It’s used to give a more complete picture of how much an episode is liked, one that goes beyond just the professional critics.


Yep @MrColdStream is correct.

And unfortunately the formula for working it out changed over the years so AI for NuWho cannot be used to compare to AI for Classic Who.

I asked on Reddit back when I was first building the site if there was a formula I could use to make the two comparable and the consensus was that it was impossible :man_shrugging:

I was originally going to use it as a way to work out a default rating to give every story, as I didn’t have enough members back then to give everything a rating.

That’s not an issue anymore :grin: